About Me
SeventhSon started his career as a DJ in 2003 in Bilbao (Basque Country), even though soon after he decided to move to Barcelona. There, his previous sound, inspired on his rural surroundings, turned towards a more stuctural sound, influenced by both the arquitecture and the time. “The inspiration comes from my own life, experience, and from everything that surrounds me basicallyâ€.Since his chilhood he was always attracted by technology and the electronic art, also influenced byt he city where he was born, Bilbao, where as it happened before in cities as Detroit or Berlin, the industry has also left a huge footprint.The were quite a lot of factories amonside the main city, and in a short period of time, quite alot of them were abandoned or they just became part of the club culture.When he was only 6 years old, he was already a huge fan of artists such as Kraftwerk, Joy Division, New Order,Pink Floyd, Erasure, The peth shop Boys or Depeche Mode, but with lack of opportunities to study music he decided to focus his studies on electornic/IT, intersted on the technology where it’s still begin seen his attraction by the future technologies and electronic chips.Since then, his style his constantly balancing between quite a lot of different kinds of music, because as he says, any kind of music si agreat source of inspiration. Even though he considers himself as a freestyler, when playing at the clubs, he normally plays acid house, progressive house, electro techno, deep techno and trance minimal, or even sometimes trying Dub or 80’s electronic funky. You can also see him sometimes playing minimal house, such as Playhouse or Ladomat, Kompack or even breakbeat from Aphrodite or Adam Freeland.Besides his career as a DJ, he also works producing music, working with different national bands, and event though that might be outside of the electronic scene, as a sound technician, he has also helped many diferent experts to understand the acoustic soudns._____________________________________________________
___________SeventhSon Comenzo su carrera como DJ en 2003 en Bilbao y poco despues decidio instalar su vida en Barcelona. Alli su sonido anterior, inspirado en su entorno rural, viró hacia un sonido mas estructural, influido por la arquitectura, la geometrÃa y el tiempo. "La inspiración me viene de mi vida, experiencia, y sobre todo de lo que me rodeaâ€. Desde muy pequeño siempre a sido atraido por la tecnologÃa, el arte electrónico, igual influenciado por su ciudad natal, Bilbao, que al igual que en ciudades como Detroit o BerlÃn, la industria ha dejado una gran huella. Grandes fábricas rodeaban la ciudad y con el paso del tiempo y la velocidad del cambio muchas de estas fueron abandonadas o simplemente pasaron a formar parte del crecimiento de la cultura de club. Con tan solo 6 años ya era un gran amante de artistas como Kraftwerk, Joy Division, New Order,Pink Floyd, Erasure o The peth shop Boys, Depeche Mode, pero a falta de oportunidades de estudiar música decidió dedicar sus estudios a la electrónica/informática interesado por la tecnologÃa donde se sigue viendo su atracción por el futurismo, chips, maquinas robotizadas y paisajes futuristas. Desde entonces su estilo se balancea entre muchas aguas diferentes porque según el cualquier género es fuente de inspiración, y aunque se considera como Freestyle si es cierto que en la pista de baile se centra mas por estilos como acid house, progressive house, electro techno, deep techno, trance minimal pero no le impide abarcar otros estilos como el Dub, el funky electrónico de los 80, el house mas minimal de labels como Playhouse o Ladomat, Kompack incluso atreviendose con el breakbeat de Aphrodite o Adam Freeland. Ademas de su tarea como Dj se dedica a la producción en estudio, trabajando con diferentes bandas nacionales,que aunque fuera de la escena electrónica, y como actual técnico de sonido le a ayudado a comprender mucho de los sonidos acústicos. Atmosferas contaminadas del mejor sonido Aleman, sonidos hipnóticos, tribales, electrónica retorcida, breaks entrelazados, produciendo emociones y vibraciones en la pista.