AOL IM: TheSmplyCmplctd
and hit me up sometime!
I like to attend MUSIC EVENTS !ROCK ON! whenever I can--so keep an eye out for me! I'm always up for meeting new people. My second love is XTREME SPORTS, they're !FRIKIN' SICK! I hate liars and people that aren't true to themselves. I don't have enough time to mess with people that won't be good to me. You'll also probably always know what I think. Call me a bitch or call me honest. I don't care, I've been called both. I consider my friends close friends--and I'd do anything for them. My career is about to take off and I'm pretty nervous. The unpredictable can be fun I guess. =') I'm really into PHOTOGRAPHY in my spare time. Look for SC PHOTOS --Yeah, that's me, §imÞ£¥ Çømþ£ìçåtëÃ. I have graduated college and I'm already finishing up graduate school. Things I LOVE most in life: MY FAMILY. my friends. talking on the phone. SHOPPING FOR SHOES. eating things with lots of ranch or ketchup. music that sounds good just to me. CALVIN AND HOBBES. friends reruns. will and grace reruns. GOOD HAIR DAYS. seeing a smile that special person's face. hearing that special person laugh. PHOTOGRAPHY. my hair being naturally lightened by the sun. making people smile. BEING I'M TOLD I'M BEAUTIFUL. being touched. being hugged. GOLF. fishing. laughing. FORERRO ROCHER. brandon routh. bubblegum ice cream. BEING THE FIRST PERSON ON SOMEONE'S LIST TO CALL. snow. rain. movies. DANCING WITH SOMEONE IN THE RAIN. rockers. skaters. GUYS WITH PIERCINGS. comfortable clothes. waking up happy. AMARETTO SOURS. swimming. reading. THE FEELING OF SOMEONE IN MY ARMS. internet surfing. boxing. X GAMES. saturday night live when it's funny. being creative. SPONTANEOUS TRIPS. guys that spike their hair. HOCKEY. guys with faux hawks.CHRISTMAS LIGHTS. hello kitty. candles. ROLLER COASTERS. volleyball. code red mountain dew. SLEEPING. classical music. strawberry cheesecake. MY BROTHER AND HIS ANNOYINGLY POSITIVE ADVICE. a new cell phone. hoodies. FLARE JEANS. guys with nice arms. coloring. RANDOM PHONE CALLS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT. knowing all the words to a song and jammin' out. having a good time and not caring what anyone else thinks. LIPGLOSS. skater shoes. new friends worth having. BEING LOVED. Pretty much anything to have a good time. =') Yeah, sure, call me.