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Fill out this application and send us a message asap!!!
Name:Age:Phone number:Latest time to call:Email:And answer these QuestionsOn a percentage rate 100 being the highest, what percentage rate do you think you'll be able participate in street team promotion?On a percentage rate 100 being the highest, what percentage rate do you think you'll be able participate in online promotion?
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Look at fizz god daughter so cute!
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Are YOU Lil Fizz's Biggest Fan???!!!???
Heres your time to PROVE IT
Lil Fizz is looking for his number 1 fan, and now is your chance to show him!! He wants you ladies to display your love through video, so grab ur video camera's, digital cameras, even the camera phones! Here are a few requirements in order for you to participate;
Must be Video
5-7 minutes max. in length
No nudity
No displaying any personal information, [Phone numbers, addresses etc]
Display/Tell what makes you his number 1 fan
At some point during the video, sing either your favorite lines from Lil Fizz from his single "Beds" or the chorus.
In honor of the "PAYDAY; 6 Pack Edition" There will be a total of 6 winners.Two (2) Grand Prize winners will win;
One (1) Video iPod each.Two (2) Second Prize winners will win;
One (1) iPod Nano each.Two (2) Third Prize winners will win;
One (1) iPod Shuffle each.
Upload Your Video on YouTube.ComAnd send the link to your video to
[email protected]The Top Fans Videos will be contacted, asking you to send your video as an attachment to our Email, then it will be uploaded our YouTube.Com Account;
YouTube.Com/FizzOHustlerzFoReelWhere we will continue to narrow the videos down until we get the winners!!!GOOD LUCK!!!!!!
JULY 17TH 2007
ON iTunes!!!!!
Its been 2yrs.............Well our boy is back, and ready to release his highly anticipated album PAYDAY for digital download on iTunes! So mark your calendar's, make sure you have iTunes dowloaded on your computer, and get ready for PAYDAY on JULY 17TH
If your computer does not have iTunes, click below to download iTunes 7 for FREE
Download iTunes Here
Dont forget to check out Lil Fizz's page [click the banner below]
Finally, no more waiting, PAYDAY will be available for digital download, on iTunes JULY 17TH !!!!
GET READY FOR PAYDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!