We are based in the central Kentucky area and we have a branch in the central Illinois area. Our mission at KBLPR is to prove life after death and to help educate those we can. In the spirit world, as well as those who are having experiences that they can not understand what they are experiencing and possibly even fearing it, is where we come in with an open mind, logic and understanding.
All of our members come with their own stories and interests. In general, we do not believe everything that goes "bump in the night" is paranormal, however, there are times paranormal events is exactly what it is. You will find that we are very professional on our investigations and hold strong to our faith. We do NOT permit the use of ouija boards and do not encourage the use of ouija boards .
All investigations are kept confidential unless other wise directed with permission. We do not charge for our services - donations are welcomed but not mandatory . Because we are all here to learn and help educate, we ,at KBLPR, enjoy meeting other paranormal groups to share thoughts, opinions and ideas. Along our journey we have met some outstanding investigators such as the members of: Southern Paranormal Investigation Team and Bon Secour Paranormal Investigations .
We invite you to join us on our adventures into the paranormal. We thank you for stopping by and hope you will return.You can also find us at out websight (just click on the banner)
Thank you for stopping by and we hope to see you again!