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"Knowing God changes the way you see the world"
I'm a christian lady who is married to a handsome, sweet, funny, talented man named ~*Michael*~!!!
I work as a secretary by day and a seamstress on the weekends. I have 2 brothers, one older and one younger. My older brother is married to a wonderful lady, living in Atlanta & working as a chef. My younger brother is a talented architect and craftsman. My Mother teaches children who have reading disabilities. She mainly works with dislexic children. My step-father works for the Charter cable company.
My Dream Home!
You're 45% Irish
You're probably less Irish than you think you are...
But you're still more Irish than most. How Irish Are You?
My favorite things:
Kissing Michael
Renaissance Faires
The beach~~especially Panama City, FL
Flowers~~Any kind or color
Hearing birds sing
Being with loved ones
Church services
Christmas~~memories from childhood
Thanksgiving day
Water~~Creeks, Rivers, Oceans, Pools
Sparkly things
Faery lovers
Knee socks~~Especially the stripey ones!!!
Animals~~Especially fluffy ones
Myspace Friendships
True Christians
Sleeping late on Saturdays
Spring & Autumn
I'm very interested in spending time with the people I love.
Being in the wide open spaces is also a lot of fun and very soothing. I love to go to the park and feed the ducks with my man. Going to the Huntsville Botanical gardens, Renaissance Faires, and anything else that can be done outside on a pretty day.