The good stuff:
Name: Brenna
Age: 20
Height: 5 ft
Weight: Um havent checked lately around 100 i would say
Hair Color: Brown
Location: Thomaston
Eye color: Blue...or green. I'm not sure.
Food: I think I'll go with Thanksgiving dinner. Anytime its delicious. But I also love soup.
Holiday: St. Patricks Day is way cool. Halloween is awesome also.
Animal: Oh man I love them all. I cant choose a favorite I want one of every freaking animal at my house.
Flower: Tulip or roses.
Band: Im still going with Alkaline Trio but Brand New is def. um there.
Tree: Palm tree
Color: Pink
Memory: When Megan tried to break the tension at a party and tripped over the bike in front of everyone. It still makes me laugh.
Song: Seventy times seven.
Drink: Welches grape juice.
Alcoholic Drink: Rummmmmmm
Ice Cream: It changes, right now reeses peanut butter cups...its good.
Restaurant: Hmm...Outback Steakhouse is real good.
Candy: Reeses
T.V. Show: Scrubs
Movie: Hmm thats a toughy...I dont know.
This or That:
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Hugs or Kisses: Both
Love or wealth: wealth would be nice, but love is also good.
Dresses or pants: Dresses...pants are lame.
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