§ÆjMä™ profile picture


force feed you a smile

About Me

I came up with the concept for this shirt. You Like? I bet you've seen people wearing it. Well thas muh shit dunny smith. It's hot isn't it. YouPervert! Click here to see more designs by Carson
I'm completely facinated with a book called "Sacred Symbols of the Ancients." It was given to me not even a year ago by my most special friend and Godfather. His name is Sparky! It's like this crazy mix of astrology and something else..but its based on a deck of cards. I look up everyone I meet and study interpersonal relationships etc. It has been shockingly accurate.
I am a Six of Clubs

Six of Clubs: The Card of Higher PurposeThis card is also known as the psychic card and it is surprising to see how few of the people of these birth dates are aware of their gift. The Six of Clubs means responsibility to truth. These people must learn to find a system of truth that they can believe in and live their life by. Once attained, there is no limit to how much good these people can do in the world. Those who have not yet found their path can be the biggest worriers and procrastinators of all the cards in the deck. They have a responsibility to maintain inner balance and peaceful communications with those in their lives. They often attain financial affluence and have inherent protection over their lives. Love is important to them. The women make good wives and mothers while the men are often dominated by a woman. Once they tap into their hidden reserves and their natural intuition is recognized, they find their lives guided and protected from the highest sources possible.
Music has stolen my heart.

My Interests

Singing, Making Music, and Dancing - Its what keeps me going and heals my soul. My love. - he's special like helmut special. I am almost OK at spinning records..years later when everyone uses CDJs..PHOOEY I say!, Eating, Sleeping.

I recently discovered photoshop! Here's sum stuff I've done for my friends and myself and that one of lee.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone that can introduce me to new music..that is GOOD. Fuck your band.

I am in love!
We make beautiful music together! =D xoxo Seriously..we do.


Drum and Bass Some Down Tempo and Dark Breaks but it has to be good. Hip Hop but im really really picky. Motherfuckers have to be saying something that means something.JEDI MIND TRICKS Killa Priestthose are my 2 faves lyrically. If you know who they are maybe you'll understand me better.I used to understand a lot more when I was on drugs, ive kinda forgotten but whatever, my LIFE is way better now if you know what i mean.


JESUS THEY KEEP PUTTING OUT SOME TERRIBLE MOVIES.A good movie that I've seen recently.. Some new release about this guy that has crazy dreams but i cant remember the name.I like nature documentarys and stuff about space.


I only watch Adult Swim. I hate Commercials they eat my soul.


Gospels of Thomas, Tibetan Book of the Dead, Anything By Jung, SACRED SYMBOLS OF THE ANCIENTS!!!! Just read 1984 for the first time, it was ok..not the best ive ever read. No auther since Christopher Pike has been able to top his books for me..they are young adult fiction but they are SO good. I mean i dont read them anymore but he was just such a great writer.


My mommy, the beautiful Mrs. Karen Taylor-Good
contact aimizzle: Saejma Rachael Good is my real name..kthanksbye
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Drum and Bass People
Song I cant get
out of my Head
A track Tessai and I are working on

My Blog


In this dream I was offering to bake some apples for the guy I lost my virginity to and this girl that I've only seen on myspace that lives in Canada. They were hitting it off and I was fine with it e...
Posted by §ÆjMä" on Thu, 24 May 2007 09:10:00 PST

Completely different Person.

good god, im reading some of my blogs from 2004. I was a COMPLETELY different person. like, i was..smarter.something is seriously wrong with that.
Posted by §ÆjMä" on Sun, 13 May 2007 11:19:00 PST

Chocolate and the City..(Dream)

Last night.....I dreamed about a huge party with lots of food and lots of alcohol but it was in a cool place. Like an upscale city on another planet. The enviornment colors were a very slick brown.It ...
Posted by §ÆjMä" on Fri, 04 May 2007 07:09:00 PST

2 Dreems..wacky

I had a dream that my best friend's sister kidnapped their mother and was torturing her. It was an extremely long process and all I can remember really was trying to call the police but being scared t...
Posted by §ÆjMä" on Tue, 01 May 2007 01:24:00 PST

Dream Fragment..

I took too long to write it down so I only remember bits and pieces.. I was playing some virtual reality video game except i was not hooked up to any machine or device that would tell me so. It was so...
Posted by §ÆjMä" on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 08:13:00 PST

Unecessary Loudness

Please save our eardrums.
Posted by §ÆjMä" on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 10:09:00 PST

Did u forget im ragging?

look...hormones are hormones.its not an excuse its a fact of life.
Posted by §ÆjMä" on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 12:45:00 PST

bangs...and i dont know how i feel.

i wish hair didnt make me feel soooo different but it does.this is the first time ive ever had bangs and i dunno how to feel about them....
Posted by §ÆjMä" on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 05:45:00 PST


Posted by §ÆjMä" on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 04:37:00 PST

Really wish I was in Miami right now..

=( needavacation
Posted by §ÆjMä" on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 12:57:00 PST