hey im nathan scott. i play basketball for the ravens and i am a senior at Tree Hill High School. i have a lot of people in my life that care about me and that i care about. Haley James Scott is my beautiful and loving wife. we have been married for only about 8 months but i still love her more and more every day. i have a brother named lucas scott, same jack ass of a dad but different moms who care about us alot. if your from tree hill then my dad is your mayor and whoever voted for him must not know a whole lot about him. i have two great friends peyton sawyer and brooke davis (both cheerleaders with my wife) and us five including lucas are all best friends. brook and lucas are together. of course me and haley are together, which brings me to peytons love, jake. he had to leave tree hill and find nikki who stole jake's daughter jenny. there is so much drama in this little town that i doubt it can take much more. and i love hales always and forever. so peace outhot-lyts.comhot-lyts.com