KeystoneRecords:Events Pending profile picture

KeystoneRecords:Events Pending

The only women that love you are fans and family. Mom has no choice, but fans leave you randomly...

About Me

aim - WMlinmn69 email - [email protected] phone - Ask.Business inqueries only please.**Check out my Blogs if you're interested in writing**My life is my family and friends. It's pretty cut and dry. I would do anything for them, literally. I love you guys.I am the youngest of three siblings in my family. My oldest sister is 28 and she is a teacher in my home town. My other sister is 25 and is currently a speech pathologist in Columbus, Ohio(God why? ha). My parents are divorced yet exceed the norm for divorcees; they still like one another.I have a typical every day, day job. Like most, I hate it.Aside that, I am a part of/work for an indie Record Label by the name of Keystone Records. If you haven't noticed, it's at the top of my page. We're an indie label just beginning to break the surface of our potential. If you're in the Pittsburgh area and HAVEN'T heard of us, you WILL.I work in A&R and Promotions and am willing to work with anyone who is SERIOUS about the art of music. We do not discriminate against any genre of music but if you waste our time you'll never get another chance to work with us.I graduated from Waynesburg College on 5.13.07, but I was unable to walk at my school graduation because of some unfortunate events that occured due to my own stupidity, but for all of my friends that I made throughout the last four years of my life, I love you all.I always tell the truth, whether you like it or not. I'm an open book.Ask away then turn the page.I have what has been classified as "Essential Tremor Disorder." If you're truly interested in it, ask or google it. I have learned to deal with it. So have my friends.I like to be the "fun" of any event and have found that I can typically find the way to a persons' heart through laughter...sarcasm is a must if you want to be in my life.I used to be a huge partier(still can be every now and then) but I've calmed down since those "days."I have absolutely no problem calling a person out if they are being ignorant i.e. a dickhead, inconsiderate or just plain being an asshole"The best memories I have are the ones where it has come down to my friends and I taking over everything.Sports were a huge part of my life growing up but I've been "sport-less"(lol) since '04.I come off as the typical "Jock" stereotype, but I swear I'm the complete opposite.You like to write? I like to write, lets get together and work on something.If you give me the time of day, I will return the respect.I've come to realize that most of my ideals and beliefs are unlike any other I've come across. With a few exceptions.Since the end of my highschool years Spoken word and Underground(true) HipHop has become a large large part of my life and a means for me to cope.I love music, period.I like to think that I have a wide assortment of music that I have listened to, but I learn of new bands/artists practically every day. I'm open to all that I do not know of yet.There is no excuse for simply giving up with out a fight.I've learned through all of the problems I have come across in my life that there is always someone worse off than you.I enjoy the simple things out of life, yet I always seem to find myslef turning them in to the most complicated of situations.Every "story" you think I might just be telling to tell, is 100% true.I have seen and experienced many things in my life, yet I've just begun to truly break the surface on how much I can and should actually live life to the fullest...

My Interests

.Music. .Writing. .Tattoos. .HipHop, not rap. .SpokenWord. .Women. .Family. .Friends. .MovieNights. .RandomConversationswithnopointand/orend. .Sarcasm. .DifferentPhotographyStyles. .RandomRoadTrips. .Daydreaming. .WorkingwithMusic.

I'd like to meet:

-Michael J. Fox -Muhammad Ali -My Grandfather, again -Myself in 10 years


--ms. obusek<3--




Drama Comedy Action ChickFlicks(I can admit it)


.SportsCenter. .FreshPrinceofBelAire. .FamilyGuy. .Dexter. .UltimateFighter. .AlloftheInkShows.


.TheFivePeopleYouMeetinHeaven. .TheDavinciCode. .AngelsandDemons. .AnythingwithPhotography.


.Mother. .Father. .Sisters. .Grandparents.

My Blog

Even Atheists can find Divinity

I never was a man of religion.I guess you could say I was,non-religional.Finding comfort in my ideals...knowing that Evolutions theory, wasno, theory.Indeed I indulged in Big Bangs and my own Singular...
Posted by KeystoneRecords:Events Pending on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 08:03:00 PST

Stressed Limits

This is going to be my care-free stress release piece.My wordy type piece of expressing..Me.Five dimensions grab six senses,seven years of tests, eight more filled with stress.Two, a little more point...
Posted by KeystoneRecords:Events Pending on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 12:08:00 PST

Sunrises at Noon

12:30 a.m.: Wednesday I spoke in silent awe as I watched the sun breathe its final breath,creating a beautiful silhouette which sat parallel to me.She laid her gentle voice upon my ears,as she sat com...
Posted by KeystoneRecords:Events Pending on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 04:03:00 PST

Sunsets at Midnight

6:35 pm; TuesdayWe matched mentals across horizons,Sun's risin as I can't quite figure out these feelings I have.Moons melted upon papyrus as thoughts twisted memories into surprise and,I glanced away...
Posted by KeystoneRecords:Events Pending on Thu, 31 May 2007 10:30:00 PST


Lets have a 3 hour, conversation.. About, your.. period. Because I'm man enough, and I care enough about you to be able to handle that kind of conversation. And because I know the difference between,s...
Posted by KeystoneRecords:Events Pending on Thu, 31 May 2007 10:27:00 PST


I've tired to figure out the perfect prototype, and finally, the match has been made.....I've walked beneath the moonlit sky of the back of my mind a thousand paces to find a thousand ways to show you...
Posted by KeystoneRecords:Events Pending on Thu, 31 May 2007 10:24:00 PST

Requiem for a Dream

I.. Spun soft similes upon your angelic face,like adjectives..Complementing you in the most beautiful way. Our personalities crossed perpindicular, landing adjacent to our hearts desires.And I once be...
Posted by KeystoneRecords:Events Pending on Thu, 31 May 2007 10:21:00 PST

Blinded Voice

I've stretched my limbs beyond the peek of exsertion.Torn; my vocal chords struck a low key of C where,I became frustrated at the impotence of which my melodic rhythms fell subject to,sharp shards tha...
Posted by KeystoneRecords:Events Pending on Thu, 31 May 2007 10:19:00 PST

Talking to God...

This is not a work of my own. I found this article/story/piece of fiction a while ago and it just makes me think. I don't know, I like it. If you don't agree with the article and are even offended by ...
Posted by KeystoneRecords:Events Pending on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 02:45:00 PST