Munky-Stab Me Till I Cum profile picture

Munky-Stab Me Till I Cum

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I edited my profile with The Minge Drinkers Association V4.4

I am who i am, and i am the only one who knows what i am and what im on about, ask me as many questions as you want, try to understand, dont assume anything with me =]

Believe the rumours that you hear about me because they must be true if someone who doesnt know me spreads them ;]

"Caught in the grip of human despair
Again I find myself all alone
Clenching my fists, I close my eyes
Nothing I share with this inferior earth

I endlessly stare out into the void
Overcome by waves of sadness
I feel drowned and morally defeated
Emotions beyond this pitiful existence"

My Interests


*Going to gigs
*Seeing Friends
*Getting drunk
*Listening to music
*Writing music
*Making money


*Bendigo people, yes i dislike most of this town, not to be cool, just because majority of people i know are asses and dont deserve my time
*chicks that like overly skinny guys, come on really jokes on you
*not being able to play gigs yet
*living around rich metros
*not being around friends
*supposed friends betraying you, then having the nerve to blame it on me
*LIES, i hate people who lie, small ones i can handle, but big ones i dont tolerate, and do not forgive

I'd like to meet:

People, normal people, people who can actually hold a conversation, and people who arent complete fucknuts


My tastes Vary from these genre's:

Black Metal
Death Metal
Goth Metal/Rock
Doom Metal
Progressive Metal
Hard Rock
Thrash Metal
Power Metal
Viking Metal
Folk Metal

Bands That i have seen Live:

International Bands

Behemoth (Pol)
Nile (USA)
Leaves' Eyes (Nor)
Children Of Bodom (Fin)
Cryptopsy (Can)
The Black Dahlia Murder (USA)
Atrocity (Ger)
Vader (Pol)
Obituary (USA)
Sodom (Ger)
Napalm Death (UK)
Akercocke (UK)

Aussie Bands

The Furor (WA)(twice)
Pathogen (NSW)(3 times)
Fuck.....Im Dead!!!(Vic) (twice)
The Amenta (NSW) (twice)
Enforce (WA)
Psycroptic (Tas)(3 times)
Chalice (SA)
Antonamasia (NSW)
Super Fun Happy Slide (Vic)(twice)
Cromlech (Vic)(RIP)
Gospel Of The Horns (Vic) (twice)
The Butterfly Effect (QLD)
Archaic Ruins (Vic)
Destruktor (Vic)
Dissymmetry (Vic)
Killrazer (NSW)
Blood Duster (Vic) (twice)
Alarum (Vic)
Astriaal (QLD)

i have seen more but they arent really worth listing





Shes the best mate, and i love her greatly (as a friend homos), i dont know how my life would be if shes wasnt in it, she always seems to find a way to make me smile or laugh, shes the best friend that i have ever had, and i'll pretty much do anything for her =]

My Blog


Just some lyrics from a band that i thought basically speak how i feel at the moment =] The fragments of connection died Some things just won’t fade with time Hide behind a transparent eye You c...
Posted by Munky-Stab Me Till I Cum on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 07:25:00 PST

life update

Well figured i havent posted a blog in a while so yeah here we goLiving in melbourne now which im pretty sure you all know, and yeah its going pretty good, have myself a job and its pretty good, altho...
Posted by Munky-Stab Me Till I Cum on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 07:58:00 PST

moving to melbourne

As of todaywont have any internet untill i get a job and get the internet hooked up to the flat, so that could be at least a monthi might try and get to a net cafe once in a while, or flog someones hi...
Posted by Munky-Stab Me Till I Cum on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 01:04:00 PST

The people who mean the most to me (complete version)

I do this every once in a while, where i post up a little something about the people that i would consider a close friend, this isnt everyone in my top friends, so dont bitch that i havent put you in,...
Posted by Munky-Stab Me Till I Cum on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 05:00:00 PST

Jesus Camp!!

watch these videos first, it not all of them at least watch the first 3 and get an idea of what i'll be talking about related
Posted by Munky-Stab Me Till I Cum on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 05:10:00 PST

Its time to deport some fucks back to their country

I dont know whether anyone else who lives in victoria/melbourne has seen lately, but there have been some attacks in melbourne, against in my mind innocent people, and the people who are doing these a...
Posted by Munky-Stab Me Till I Cum on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 03:35:00 PST

well looks like im going to be busy as fuck for the next couple of months....

Well to start off this fabulous blog i have learnt today that my centerlink payments have now been cut down 140 bucks which means i'll be getting 70 bucks a fortnight, rip off yes?, its all because my...
Posted by Munky-Stab Me Till I Cum on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 03:42:00 PST

Extended About Me

Just thought seeing that alot of people on here dont know me and are too scared to ask me things i thought i would write thisTo start off i am actually a very nice person, but in saying that i am only...
Posted by Munky-Stab Me Till I Cum on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 11:57:00 PST


Tonight sucksi feel really lonely, havent actually felt this bad in a while, everyone seems to have someone these days to lean back on but i dont, its not my choice either, if i could be with someone ...
Posted by Munky-Stab Me Till I Cum on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 07:31:00 PST


write down some memories that you have of mepretend im dead or something and your talking to people about me, hahalets see who actually writes something...
Posted by Munky-Stab Me Till I Cum on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 03:41:00 PST