About Me
Descazot sylvain, designer student to Beaux Arts from Rennes.
When I was Young, before my unnily teens, I used to spend long end of afternoon's and even evenings staying in the laboratory where my mother used to work. It was an old highschool laboratory. In this place were kept all the utensils used to make the experiments during physics and biologics lessons.Animals skulls going through test tubes and also all the cable and electric objects.
It was a special, peculiar, particulard world, in which, as soosn as my homeworks were done, I escaped into my thoughts.Of course, it was forbidden for me to touch anything, but when it's forbidden...
So, I had fun creating objects, imaginning a world of spaceships, dancing skeletons and whitchcraft.
All of these objects, were like a treasure, I had no idea of the way they were used, but I found them beautiful, pure, mysterious...
Took one by one they lost their power and meaning that I as a child given to them. But it became magic when a red LED was going through a glass going through an aquariumnext to a potentiometre...Today, wheneven I create a light object, all these memories are the philosophal stone.
I love to reuse these « things » wich for me still keep, more than ever, their beauty.