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I am here for Friends

About Me

Donga blokes are near the bestpeople in the world, they look hot, talk rubbish, and love a wagging chin, and I myself am a donga person, born and bred with five generations of experience being a donga person. I'm a first year at uni, god help me, and everything is gonna be fine, with plenty of fines on the way. If you never see me again, I'd have run away to be in Italy, living it up.... Or had myself, a nasty little prang involving a broken tail feather. Life is what you make it, and my life is definately gonna have caramel in it. Love life, Love the experience, love your better half, love your family, love the game, and definately love your shoes, because there gonna be the ones that will take you to these places. My beloni had a first name, it's B-O-Y-dash-Z my beloni had a second name.... But I fair forgot it. If you see the big man before I do, tell him I said you beauty, and that he owes me a coke, and it better be chilled by the time I get there.mspmb allowScriptAccess="never" src=" 28476278" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="426"

My Interests

Life, basketball, law, my monkey's sixth finger, and his boyfriend, Tom

I'd like to meet:

Gerry Conlon, Flea, Steve Irwin, Bill Clinton, Justice Kirby. Not enough pots in the dong to cover what I need to find out from this group. Peter Costello would be interesting, wouldn't go out of my way to stalk him or anything, but if I saw him at the stump, i'd shout him a round, just cos I believe he would be a blithering piss wreck if he was set loose. shipoopi

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Red Hot Chili Peppers, the Red Hots, Anthym, John Frusciante, Tony K... Other then that, Bloc Party, Incubus, The Fray, lupe fiasco, electric six for a laugh.. O o o!!!!! Freddie... FREDDIE!!!!! If Freddie Mercury hasn't touch you, (And no doubt he would have liked to)you would have gone down the rung on BZ's hello-I-love-you-fat-bottom-girl-o-meter. I love Queen, and Freddie can be my special friend any day of the weekend.... Seriously, I think I would turn for him.... while I was wearing my 17-beer belt. OK GO - Here It Goes Again Live

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In the Name of the Father, the source of my love for Criminal Law, Pulp Fiction, the source of my bad arse approach to the confronting, and When we were Kings, Boombaiyayyy!!!!!


Hello, My name is Josh, you watch the OC? I love you. But be sure to grab yourself a gun and your goomar as we sit down to enjoy the fanooks on the Soprano's


Read so many, that they're starting to bore me, so I'm gonna write the greatest novel in the world, EVER!!!! LOOK OUT WORLD. But then again, just about finished the Godfather, Micheal Corleone is uno stronsa pazza


Mum, Dad, he's actually showing alot of his heroics right now. my sisters, my brother, my god-son/nephew, and my niece, I love those kids. But all round, any one who can eat their way through a shit-sandwich-moment in their life, and then can come out the other side grinning their stinky grin with absolute pride, confidence and happyhappy joyjoy

My Blog

F-ing Exams

I'm nervous, I am terrified, I am losing my fucking mind, but I am so excited that by this time tomorrow, I'll be done and finished with Contract.... Hopefully forever.... But maybe just for this...
Posted by Boy-Z TDC on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 05:47:00 PST


Ok trendsetters, This wasn't the topic of my last blog I attempted, but here we go, this week, I'm in a confused state, I'm worried and concerned about the position I and others are in, and what ...
Posted by Boy-Z TDC on Sun, 27 May 2007 07:28:00 PST

Yeah, YEAH!! LIFE!!! That's the spirit!

I!!!!! JUST WROTE!!!!! THE MOST MAGNIFICANT THING!!!!!!! EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It would have made the world laugh cry throw up, THE LOT!!!!!! But I clicked..... BACK!!!! and everything DISAPPEARED!!!!!! ...
Posted by Boy-Z TDC on Wed, 23 May 2007 09:00:00 PST

You beauty....?

Just looked at my blogs from blogs gone by, interesting, it's like a time capsule, just opening your thoughts from months ago. Funny thing is, You think you knew yourself in that time, but when you lo...
Posted by Boy-Z TDC on Tue, 01 May 2007 07:23:00 PST

what the?

This is not a pansy lil "lets hold hands" statement... I am not a hippy, it's just thoughtful, and hopefully empowering if someone vulnerable reads it... You do something really really bad, every...
Posted by Boy-Z TDC on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 06:31:00 PST

THIS year

So here's he deal, about a trillion people... Or there, abouts are gonna find out about they're uni courses tomorrow, which also follows on of course that they find out what they'll do.... What job th...
Posted by Boy-Z TDC on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 03:26:00 PST


Here's the thing ladies and Gents and everything else, I think I might have a story to tell, and since my publising connections have gone a bit awry..... (I don't have any) I was thinking weekly blogs...
Posted by Boy-Z TDC on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 04:59:00 PST

Think of this, and get back to me

Ok, here's this weeks thought. Imagine you are asleep, and you have a very vivid dream, and in this dream, you're in a field filled with bright sunflowers, and you think, hey, screw it, I'm just gonna...
Posted by Boy-Z TDC on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 03:26:00 PST

hmmm, In The Beginning

So, I've started a friggin myspace account, hoo-ray, and it's giving me the shizzls to the extreme, probably large in part to the fact that my computer is run on a 78 diesal engine, so when I become a...
Posted by Boy-Z TDC on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 02:02:00 PST