♥ Mike profile picture

♥ Mike

About Me

My name is Damien Andrews. Some say I look a little like that guy on the left. I recently moved here from Palestine and had my name changed to escape my abusive stalker ex-girlfriend. I have found in Melbourne that the beer runs freely, and the people are excellent.

PS. I'm a pirate. Yarr

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

As many interesting people as possible in one lifetime. If you bring something to the table, and aren't a robot, then lets have a beer sometime. I'd say hug it out, but I don't want you drawing wood.

And now for some dogs and cats totally getting fucked up! =D


My Blog

Rules of Shotgun

You Must Say The Word "Shotgun" You must say the word "Shotgun" to stake your claim on Shotgun. This must be done clearly and loud enough so that at least one other to-be occupant of the vehicle can h...
Posted by on Wed, 30 May 2007 19:57:00 GMT