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I Play 4 Keeps

I am here for Friends

About Me

Well lets see, i'm 23 and im currently just got back from 15 months in Iraq and it feels great to breath nice american air. Im stationed at Ft Benning, GA. with the 3rd Brigade Combat Team. Ive been in the army for 5 years now. Im originally from fayetteville, NC which is where i graduated and joined the army. Ive lived all over the world because i was raised in the military. after basic training i was stationed at ft meade, md where i met and married my beautiful wife Sarah. I then moved to the nice party life of south korea. After sepending a year away from my wife in Korea i moved to ft Benning where i deployed to Iraq from. i like to relax around the house after work but i also like to go out and have a good time. im looking forward to doing some traveling when i get back form iraq, i just havnt decided where all i want to go. Ive just re-enlisted to spend 5 more years in the army and i will be attending special forces selection in septmeber and if i dont get selected ill be moving to FT Carson, CO

My Interests

Cars, Military, Movies, Comedy, video games at times, traveling, outdoor fun, road trips.
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old friends, new friends, anyone intresting.Tear Away Video Tear Away lyrics - Drowning Pool lyrics Drowning Pool Music Videos Music Video Codes by VideoCure


drop kick murphys, atryu, fort minor, linkin park, flogging molly, the dwarves, steven lynch, tenacious D, gnarls barkley, slipknot, godsmack, koRn.... the list can go on....


Anchorman, Old School, House of 1000 Corpse, Troma films, 300, Sin City, 40 year old virgin, dodgeball, monty python and the holy grail, pulp fiction, Saw 1 2 & 3, hostel, grindhouse, idiocracy, tenacious d and the pick of destiny, fight club, all nightmare on elm streets,

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Simpsons, Family Guy, las vegas, robot chicken, hero's, american dad, carnivale
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Haunted, Choke, Soul Survivor, Fight Club


My Dad ( for doing 20+ years in the army is a lot to do, and still be a good family man), My Mom (It takes a strong Women to be married to a man in the army, and still be a good parent), My Sister (just dealing with me for the entire time we lived together...lol), Sarah (for all ways being there, and all ways doing good at life when times are hard, i love you), All my brothers and sisters in arms.