hanging with friends
and other normal things teens do
I'm such a dork @ seahawk games
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I don't need no stinkin wouldn't need them to if you had your own SUPER HERO!!!
See I have my own SPIDEY MAN!!!
I thought this was so frickin funny...
thanks shasta
my heroes are umm...i dont know the closest to a hero for me would be david my very best friend. david im so very glad i found you.
I guess my little brothers alek and aiden, i have my reasons for them to be my hero. neither of them will ever read this but i love you two with all my heart. alek your like my best friend and my teacher but only for snowboarding witch you school me at.
Also I can't forget amanda...I know I know...we fight all the time but yet. I turly would be lost with out you. I always say how much I dont trust you...yet the truth is I trust you whole heartedly. I know if I ever really need you youll be there for me. No matter what. I love you! with everything. Your my bestfriend.