I love football, running, weight lifting espescially, video games, girls, cars, clothes, swimming, music, mostly Rock, Heavy metal, and some rap. I love Chinese, Italian, Japanese, just about any kind of food. I wanna go to college, and play college football and go far, be the best, and play football for a living if i can help it. I also plan to major in physical therapy, and possibly open my own business in that field. Thats not all, i just dont feel like typing anymore.
Girls, Friends, People, Maria Sharapova, Milla Jovovich, Carli Banks
Rock and Heavy Metal and sometimes a little rap. And sure some Country .. width=
Gladiator, Braveheart, Patriot, Black Hawk Down, Saving Private Ryan, (yeah I know, lots of war movies), Old School, Van Wilder, All the Matrix movies, All the Terminator movies
South Park and the NFL channel
Emperor: The Field of Swords, A Novel of Julius Ceasar