Sending the word of God . I have fewer myspace people like I use to.But if someone request to be my friend I will add them within reason. So dont judge lest ye be judged.
I have been there and I have done that but now is the day and time for real life:No I haven't flipped out.I grew up in church and I have studied the Bible for years.
Through my own sins, many times I have fallen away from the truth.I did know the truth(the bible-Gods word and the word became flesh) will set you free; but finally I realized how crazy this world is and even though we have so much in our day today, how and why is everyone always looking for something else.Most people today are so unhappy........why? Even still, I haven't gone to church in years and I still don't . Today The Church (almost all of them) have lost their way. They want memberships, they want to save you and baptise you. Let me say, it's not The churches will or Our will that saves us, that's work that God himself does. All we can do is cry out for mercy and seek him.Christ came to save whom God gave him. The churches aren't searching the truth in the bible. They aren't comparing scripture against scripture.They don't tell the world there is eternal hell that is separation from God that is death forever. But the churches love to do alot of the traditions of men like Easter egg hunts. That never happened when I went to sunday school. If they searched the bible they would see as in the days of Noah and Lot so shall it be in the last days.God told Noah he would flood the world in 120 years and so the people of that time had 120 years to see the ark.God then told Noah yet in 7 days he would start the flood and no one listen and died forever save Noah ,his wife, their three sons and their wives
In the last Days God says," Judgement starts at the house of God"(the church). Saying that, He also says,"Judge not least ye be Judged". As Israel was judged, so shall the church be in these last of last days. The real Judement is Death forever more,dead,dead,dead
separted from God. Never to rise again ,thats hell,not some eternal torment. As I have been studying about being cut off and circumcision, I believe I am starting to see more facts about the churches as I think from what I see now that we are cut off from the church or that we are circumcised and the churches are cutoff,dead foreskin . I'll blog about it at some time.
So it starts the last days,Today is the day of Judgement!If you Died today ,reguardless of how ,Are You READY?
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Sometime in 2011 AD the end of time will come.I am not convinced there is a rature in may 2011 or in Oct 2011 unless it is the end of time.If you read carefully the Bible doesn't speak about a rapture at all.It does speak of all those at the end of time to be raised up. Some to death forever more and those whom are saved and dead and those alive that held on and were not deceived. I am not afraid to say this as It is for God to answer this and let all saved believers to understand in one accord before the end. This has not happened yet. Some people from ebible and even family radio suggest that if you don't believe as they do you are not saved.But they do not speak for God on who is saved and who isn't. That is like saying we all know who was saved in times past since creation.How can these people whom left churches say what is in my heart to understand Gods truth. there is not a full truth about all these matters yet. Soon god will have all what we need to know out and there will be another falling away just like in 1994. This will be from those whom understand about 2011 not from the churches. I have no insight except, watch,as God said ,watch and we will know of times and judgment. This Judgment is to all beleivers who cling to a teacher over God word. Watch and see this will happen fast and as a thief before 2011.You can not comdemn people and churches and yet have the exact same appearance as the churches.Rev 3:3 is to the churches and to those whom left the churches.
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Romans 1:19-21:
..Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
1 John 2:18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that anti-christ shall come, even now are there many antichrists;whereby we know that it is the last time