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Beer Man

Beer is proof God loves us and wants us to be happy.

About Me

We believe that you should surround yourself with all the things that reflect the life you want to live. Why shouldn’t your beer be any different? And, if you drink beer, why not a drink better beer? Stampede Light is a better beer.
I am a fitness fanatic. I’m so devoted, in fact, that I’ve written books on the subject. I also love to drink beer. So, I founded a company devoted to that passion. Better beer for people that buy better and healthier.
Maybe these seem like contradictions. Not that long ago, they were. But that was before Stampede Light.
I got the idea to create a better beer for people like me — people who live a better life — after a workout a couple years ago. I met some friends at a local sushi bar and wanted a nice, light beer that would help me wash down some suki-monkey — or whatever that pickled stuff is called — without spoiling my workout.
So I ordered a light beer from a “leading” brewer. My mistake. It tasted like someone had strained the contents of a garbage disposal into a bottle — watery, thin, and skunky. Drinking it was pure floccinaucinihilipilification. (Hey, you're online. Look it up.) Sure, this stuff looks glamorous on TV. But what are they really putting in those bottles?
Don’t get me wrong. I choked it down, all right. Had a couple more, after that. A guy’s gotta drink:-) Even so, I started thinking about what I was drinking. It hit me: Not only do most light beers taste bad, they also don't do anything for you. So why was I drinking it? I buy free-range chicken. I drink VitaminWater instead of tap. I pay $3 for a cup of coffee, for crying out loud. And I’m not the only one. So don’t people like me deserve a beer that’s made better?
Yes. We do. That’s why I sought out Dr. Joseph Owades, the man who created light beer in 1967 and who, according to the San Francisco Chronicle, had “trained virtually every brewer of note in the country.” I asked him to help me craft a German-style lager into a better style of beer geared toward active people who care about the ingredients that go into what they eat and drink.
As a single father and author of two fitness books, I offered Dr. Owades my extensive knowledge on the elements of leading a balanced, healthy lifestyle. He mixed in his extensive knowledge on making great beer. And we started brewing.
The initial results: the beer was heinous. Look, it’s not easy making a hearty lager into a light beer for health-conscious people. We are a picky bunch, after all. Still, we kept at it. Then, a year and at least a dozen hangovers later, we had it — a great-tasting, refreshing, light beer that is truly a better beer.
That’s Stampede Light. Serve yourself better.-- Lawrence (aka, the Beer Man)
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Liked minded people who don't take life too seriously.


Linkin Park, 50, David Gray, The Bravery, Kiss, Green Day, Cold Play, Guster, Rob Thomas, The Fray, George Straight, The Clash, Staind, Modest Mouse, Maroon 5, Nickelback, Stereolab, Sinatra, JayZ, Stone Sour


The Godfather (I,II, III), Usual Suspects, Wedding Crashers, Along Came Polly, The English Patient, Pulp Fiction, Snatch


The Secret, Built to Last, Bear Essentials, The Bible, Blink, It's Not About the Bike, Free Prize Inside, The Fountainhead, The 5 People you meet in Heaven, Brand Hijack, The Dip, The Richest Man in Babylon, The Secret


My dad/mom, Rosa Parks, LBJ, Winston Churchill, Sigmund Freud, anybody that follows their heart...and takes action!