Melody profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

So the about me section..everyone does something different..some people put their physical stats some put their entire life down.Well, here's a little about me.. I'm a single mother with two beautiful boys DJ is 16 and Demari is 10. They are my heart and the number 1 men in my life.I am a very laid back, down to earth female. I love to laugh and be super goofy..which usually surprises people that just meet me. I keep positive people around me and cannot deal with drama!!I'm single and have been for along time. LA is the most difficult place to meet men so I'm not sure I'll find Mr. Right here probably just Mr. Right Now.I'm a total homebody... movies at home in my bed and listening to music on the weekends is my idea of fun right now. All my girls moved out of LA so I rarely go out to clubs anymore. My alter ego "Cindy" has to get out once in awhile I go to the club and's just too damn hard to get up the next can't do it like I used I rarely do..besides.. drinking and lack of sleep is too hard on your!I spend alot time reading, watching tv and working like crazy. I am a huge fan of murder mysteries so Forensic Files, AMW, Law and Order SVU, anything on Tru TV...thats my modeled off and on since I was 14 and put some pics in my albums. I work at a technology company in Manhattan Beach and I couldnt ask for a better job..I love it!

My Interests

My current interests are reading, working out and watching too much tv. Thank god for tivo!

I'd like to meet:

I'd love to meet Oprah. Her influence on society is amazing!View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment



I have very eclectic taste in music. I love everything from R&B to Rock..right now i'm listening to Corrine Bailey Rae, Chrisette Michelle, Amy Winehouse, Hinder, Kem, Maroon 5, Shakira, Nickelback


My favorite movies are Gia, Pretty Woman, Saw 1-3, The Pursuit of Happiness, Footloose, Purple Rain, Malcolm X, Ali, Breakfast at Tiffany' many more..basically I love rom com's and occasional horror as well!


Thank god for Tivo but there's gotta be a way to record 100 hours a week of shows..i just can't keep up with all the shit i MUST watch..(I need a life!!) Right now my favorties are..America's Next Top Model, American Idol, House, So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing with the Start, The New Adventures of Old Christine, Bones, America's Most Wanted, Project Runway, Desperate Housewives, Nip/Tuck, Ugly Betty...i could go on and on..i watch way too much tv!!


Manifest Your Destiny, The Secret, Laws of Attraction, Better Single than Sorry, My American Life, Video Vixen..I read a variety of books but love self help or non-fiction.


My mother for being able to keep it together while raising 5 kids alone. She's a strong woman with a beautiful personality.My father for "keepin it real"..never sugarcoating the realities of life and being there when i needed him. RIP I miss you so much!