My name is Nickolas.
I think it's time to express myself in a few words. For those of you who have visited this page, there was never really any information of my being.
Any physical description can be found in the pictures, so I'm going to draw you a map of what's inside.
I was born in Munster, In, and had lived there until I was four. Then in August, 19XX, we moved to our current location (Permanent Address, as the government would say.) I've grown up with a horse-trainer as a mother and a pyscho-analyst as a father. I have two siblings, a brother and sister, who are older and younger than I am, respectively.
We own a party rental business that was founded back in 19XX. With this, I've always been a part of a busy summer household. Within a few years, we had started to build up our inventory after starting out with just one tent. Now we offer various products, ie: moonwalks, snow-cone machines, inflatable obstacle courses, cotton-candy machines, etc.
I had received my driver's license at the age of 16, like normal, and have actively used it (not willingly, I might add.) I had recently acquired a job at the Target in Valpo. I am cashier. You will most likely see me working on the weekends.
Between my Freshman and Sophomore year, I had the opportunity to travel over to China for three weeks. It was an amazing experience, though no pictures had survived the computer-crash in my parent's office. Then I had graduated (almost with honors) from Wheeler High School. There I had excelled in mathematics and sciences rather than English or history. Though I did have a knack for foreign languages. After graduating with the class of 2007, I had signed up for a grant to be an intern in Germany for a year. Through the CBYX (Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange), I had been able to spend a year (July 7th, 2007 until June 23rd, 2008) in Germany working with an engineering firm and learning a new language. I had also traveled around a little and had the chance to see Amsterdam, Paris, Pisa, Florence, and the upper-tip of Denmark. I had a wonderful host family, and a neat host sister from Venezuela, to where my next destination might be (2009 trip.)
I am currently attending Purdue North Central and majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology.
As a side project, I am experimenting with small motors/generators. It's something that had always "tickled my pickle", so to say.
As much as I enjoy the technical aspect of such things, another hobby of mine is Photography. My belief is that a picture is a picture. That's what makes a photograph special. You capture an instant in time. A truth. When people use Photoshop or other such programs, it just creates another lie (something that we get enough of, I believe.) One of my next major up-coming expenses will be a new camera. For now, my medium is drawn through a 4.0 megapixel Olympus FE-100. Not much to work from, but will be up-graded soon, hopefully.
My taste in music may be a little strange. My favorite artist (I think it's safe to say,) is Bright Eyes/Conor Oberst. His switch between country and electronic tunes is quite amazing, but also soothing. He has a certain way of defining my interests. I tend to listen to a lot of EBM, Electropop, and experimental minimalist. I would love to learn how to make music, and just need the building blocks.
There is much more to me than this. If you were patient enough to read through this, I think I would enjoy meeting you, or just making your acquaintance. Message me sometime, and I'll get back to you promptly. :)