Lord Henry Wotton profile picture

Lord Henry Wotton


About Me

My Interests

Heureusement en France on n'se drogue pas (grace à Robert Hue)

I'd like to meet:

Robert Hue et Jean-Luc Le Ténia.Chas'n'Dave


I LOVE YOU VIANNEY !!!!Mon grand-frère : Mon dieu vivant:

My Blog

Teach me how to play with that gun

I heard about a new kind of living,I heard about a country without cops, But my king closed the borders And I am clamped in my own mind& Teach me how to play with that gun, Tell me how to shoot you in...
Posted by Lord Henry Wotton on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 06:10:00 PST

Who were our heroes?

The lowered head, the hands in your pockets, You walk without believing in it. Another week spent and another wasted week, And if all your life was like that? Why not commit suicide, hang yourself? Ou...
Posted by Lord Henry Wotton on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 03:11:00 PST