-NaD- wrecky profile picture

-NaD- wrecky

I am here for Friends

About Me

heYYa tHere~!
.:oBviouSLy, i'M NadiRaH:.
.:12ve noV 1988:.
.:boRn in the DRAGON year:.
.:good taLker rather than a Listener~!:.
.:LovE a hoRse, naMed goLdie:.
.:LuV heLpin' peoPLe:.
.:aDDicTed to SMALLVILLE:.
.:LOVE POP sonGz:.
.:LOVE RED!!!:.
.:LOVE to watcH disNey cHanneL!!:.
.:HATE smoKerZ!!:.
.:HATE baCksTabbErz!!:.
.:eLdest ouT oF 4:.
.:LOVE making neW freNz:.
.:[email protected] (YM):.
.:[email protected] (ms,fs,MSN):.

MySpace Layouts

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

wHo i waNt to mEet, eyH?
aNyoNe caN be my fRiend...
buT faMiLY aLwayz comes fiRst...
mY rooM-maTes, cLassmates, beSt buDDies who coLoured me aT KMPh...
mY PreseNt cLassmates, 2H10 (we R famiLy!)
mY coLLege-maTe
i am not a choosy type when it comes to choosing best friendz... as long as the girl or boy can always makes me happy wherever i am.. so, everyone can be my friendz~! add me up, aite?