-meZ- profile picture



About Me

For those who don't know me, I'm a bitch. For those who do, its much of the same. I only have a few really good friends but i have a lot of acquaintances. I like to hold grudges, they remind me of why I don't trust people. I love to dance. I love my family, they'r the only one i have. While on many occasions i wish they lived in another country, there is nothing more comforting than coming home.My greatest hate is stupidity, so if your gonna message me, have something intelligent to say or be ready for a backhand. Now taking memberships for P.S.M - People for the Sterilisation of Morons. A political party dedicated to breeding out stupidity in today's society.

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

My Interests




* i Go By MEz.

* i lovE to ParTaYYY with My Ladies & GenTZ as mucH aS poSSiBle, you Only LIVe onCe so PaRTY iT uP.

*PpL ThInK ThaT I ThInk thaT i Am All That.

* i Do NoT ThiNk ThaT I Know That.

*Ppl alwAys TaLk smaK So MiGhT AsWeLl GivE tHeM sOmEthing to TalK AbOUT.

* ItS NOt my FauLt i HavE WhaT You DOnt...oR CANT hAVe..

*I luRveee House,ElEctro,NaroDna,ZabavNa aNythinG that goS with my BeaT.

*WhEn I DriVe anD Tha Sun GoeS Down I will NOT tAke my SunniEs oFF untill i Get Out Of mY cAr.

*I LurVe INES sHe Rox my WoRld,I WoulDnt Know What 2 Do wiThouT Her.

*i donT HavE a BoyFriend & DefiNaTlEy DOnt NeeD 1.

*iF You are trYing to Add Me and You do NOT hAvE a pic I wIll Deny You,If You Look CreaPy I wilL Deny You & iF yOu Are oVER 30 I wiLL denybYOU.

*P.S If You Are A GanGsta WannAbe i Will Deny You.

My Blog

You Know You Are Bosnian When...

You know you're a Bosnian when: - your family owns a manual coffee grinder - you take your shoes off when you enter the...
Posted by -meZ- on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 03:05:00 PST

DO ME!!!!

1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. Do you have a crush on me? 5. Would you kiss me? 6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. 7. Describe me in one word. 8....
Posted by -meZ- on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 03:34:00 PST

Mez's Blonde Moment

Well after a long compromise over the phone  with my Sister while she was in her room on my hip top and i was in my room watching Friday Night games, yes i know i Said Friday night watching Tv sa...
Posted by -meZ- on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 06:18:00 PST