I am very interested in medcine, the asian culture, my guitar and increasing my understanding of subjects that mock the intellect of the ordinary.
Everybody people are cool, but you also learn a lot when talking with people and thats another perspective to see something from an angle you would not have seen it from before without the help of new people in our lives we could never heighten our mentality.
I listen to everything. Depends on the mood
The Notebook, Good Will Hunting, The Bourne Identity & Supremecy, The Da Vinci Code, The Green Mile, SpeedRacer, Iron Man,Three Needles, The Amityville Horror, The Matrix Trilogy, V for Vendetta, Crash, Bambi (thats right i said it), Stomp the yard, To kill a Mocking bird, 28days... I see a lot of Movies and I like them all for reason or another.
Scrubs, Heros, The Simpsons, Family guy, Smallville, One Tree Hill, My Wife and Kids, Saturday Morning Cartoons (You know ya'll do it to) and 24
The Eragon Books, Harry Potter books, The Da Vinci Code, Split Infinity, Everything by Peirs Anthony, Pedologoy of the Oppressed, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Thinking Grow Rich, The Ultimate Journey, The Diamond Heart Sutra, Eight steps to happiness, Essence of Vajrayana...and a lot more now a days I read a average of 4 to 6 books a month of various length.
Anyone willing to fight for what they hold precious to their hearts.