knitting, lost cat posters, making cookies(eating them all..),sideshow carnys, boys going bald!, other people's year books, spray paint fumes, on vinyl is even better.... anatomy, broken robots, clean sheets, toast, climbing trees, thrift stores, my favorite dinosaur is the stegosaurus for obvious reasons....i love my little brother and jeff gordon's terrible handwriting, because i'm the only one who seems to understand it, cello...., and all that is evil, bad, and wrong......
i'll never be audrey hepburn.....
anything you don't like or are too cool for i love... i will check ANYTHING out... music is such a beautiful thing.. .keep making it! but for kicks. kevin sheilds, bjork, the handsome family ,elf power neurosis, joy division, peter and the test tube babies, neutral milk hotel, vincent gallo, wu tang clan, jesus lizard, boards of canada,birthday party, nick cave, converge!, sonic youth, trick daddy, mazzy star, cat power, god speed you black emperor, violent femmes, slayer, kenna, black heart procession, sick bees, imperial teen, the damned, chet baker,angelic upstarts, roxy music, government issue, sigur ros, portishead, modest mouse, the bristols, isis, the afghan whigs, cranes, okay i need to take a break.... oh oh yeah and i fucking loved the theme song from pete and pete.... that band polaris, aw, what happened to them?
all time fave: dogs in space! fave to watch with mom: overboard... dad + dean + chris = monster squad! lovebirds fave: harold and kumar...ha oh brother where art thou,harold and maude, fight club..., funny face, breakfast at tiffanys..united states of leland. high fidelity,monument ave., say anything, ...romeo and juliet, the cat returns, halloween, rosemary's baby, anything spooky, bloody, and old...i fucking love movies!!!
. project runway...of course i'm such a sucker...
books are my best buddies.....i love to read, be read to...... favorite= lullabies for little criminals by heather o'neill charles addams. caitlin keirnan, sarah vowell,
keira lily hensley.., johnny eck...audrey munson.., and any pilot that has, will fly between seattle and baltimore........