alochol, admiration, aggression, answers, barbie, beautiful minds, beauty fiending, cuddling, bio-degradable pride, bubbles, butterflies in my tummy, camo, cobwebs of my past, concerts/shows, confidence, counting the stars, creativity, dedication, deep conversations, deep thinking, degrading you, depth, designing fate, destiny, destruction, dramatic appearances, dreams, dressing up and going out, emotion, eternal bliss, expression, fairytale love, feeling needed, feeling wanted, flaunting, flaws, foreverness, function, giggling, glitter&;glam, honesty, hotpink anything, hyperactivity, imperfections, inner-beauty, inside jokes, inspiration, intoxikation, kisses that mean something, learning from mistakes, madness, manipulation, meaningful lyrics, memories, mind-eating games, mindfucks, mishapps, music, my personal theories, never being sorry, originality, owning a heart, partying it up!, passion, pda, philosophy, photographs, plastic perfektion, pleasure, poetical phrases, porn-star perfection, portraits of perfection, pride, priorities, promises, pullable go-tees, questions, quotes, revenge, risks, sarcasm, second glances, security, self respekt, self-morals, short skirts, singing in the shower, soul searching, speculations, standing out, starry nights, stompy boots, strength, strong wills, tears with meaning, the sense of addiction, the sense of satisfaktion, the shape of reality, the unexplainable, toxik kisses, trembling lips, truth, twinkling eyes, twisted illusions, uncontrollable laughter, unneeded attention, watching him adore me, when time stands still, wishes, writing
John Cena, Tommy Lee, Dave Navarro, Mean Pete, Jeff Hardy, Marilyn Monroe, Tyra Banks, Janice Dickinson, Trina
Depends on the mood~!
Finding Nemo, Scarface, Natural Born Killers, Goodfellas, The Departed, any good horror or comedy flick as well, if I kept naming it'd take me all let that be it. a wrestling fiend. law and order SVU, True Life, Cheaters, Degrassi, South of Nowhere, Cold Case Files, CSI, Family Guy, Futurama, Made, The Real World
I don't read much unless it's about Psychology or Philosophy...or sometimes biographies if its someone I find amazing.
BARBIE, My Mother, Marilyn Monroe, The Ugly Duckling