File Name: Inkognito
Code Name: Nobody, The Abstrakt Hokage
Real Name: John Doe
Age: 28
Place Of Birth: Salem'z Lot
Expertise: Lyricist, Vocalist, Instrumentalist, Composer
Affiliations: ABSTRAKT
Who i am isn't what you should be asking your self, Let my music explain that for you... Who are YOU, "Now that's a question worth examining"!!
Whats your eyedentity, are you really you... or who you choose to be? Do you see the truth or only the smoke and mirror that cleverly disguise lies?
Do you honestly relate to the music you listen to, or just nod your head like the rest of the sheeple that surround you?
These are the questions that are important to me and i want them to be equaliy as important to you as well. So Consider me a figment of your imagination,
just a faceless voice of truth, consciousness and awareness. Your humble adviser simply trying to help you find answers to your questions... nothing more nothing less.