I am a mother of three wonderful kids, My Oldest, Is Ayame she is 5 years old.My middle child,Akira is 3 years old .My third Amaya 1 year !!!! I love my baby's very much and would do anything for them!!! I am 26 years old. My husband Brandon is 29. We have been together a wonderful 7 years now! I love him very much ...more than words can describe!!! I like to sing,and help out with vocals for my husbands music ,ABSTRAKT RECORDS!<---Always Be Strong Truly Relate And Keep Thinking!!! I also like filming and photography.I also enjoy spending a lot of time with my baby's ,playing ,reading..ext ext. I like going hiking,riding horses,and going places with my husband and kids!! Family time means a lot too me....I wanna spend every waking moment with them!!!
Too see my kids and husband smile means the world too me !!! I like too watch a lot of anime with my husband ...curl up on the couch and hold each other and enjoy his great company!!!
He is a very smart man and has done a hole hellava lot for me .....I wouldn't trade him for the world. Always remember too hold the ones you love close to you...cause you never know when they might be gone!! I also enjoy the company of down too earth people.Others who are smart and could maybe teach me something I don't know!!!Cause it really is true ( you learn something new everyday) and knowledge is power !!!!!
Ohhh yeah one more thing ....Always remember too keep it ABSTRAKT!!!!!
A-always B-be S-strong T-truly R-relate A-and K-keep T-thinking
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