Love,Enlightment, meditation ( swaha and osho ) ,healing ,nature, , creation (To play,singing ,dancing, art, cinema ) evrything that expands and makes me more consciousness
This Motorola commercial was directed by the amazing Michel Gondry. It was a great experience being a modern Alice in Wonderland.The whole time I felt as a little girl , I loved being in michel's dream.
Electronic music ,Bjork, Beth gibson,Board of canada,Billy Holliday,chet parker,Nina Hagen,Rita Mitsuoko,Cat Power,eric truffaz,riuchi sakamoto,anthony and the jhonsons,sanatan taur,krisna dass, all the osho meditations....
all Jhon Cassavettes,Carl Dreyer,Bergman,Antonioni,pasolini,David Lynch,won kar wai ,sean pean,julio medem