2 my PaGe!!!! My NaMe iS JuLiAnA... AnD I Am 15 GoInG oN *16*...I aM A LaId BaCk PeRsoN WhO LoVeS 2 KiCk It wItH My FrIeNdS... I gO 2 --fRaNkLin HiGh sKoOl-- iN gHeTto AsS hIgHLaNd PaRk!! wEll i LiKe 2 MaKe fRiEnds... I gEt aLoNg wItH jUsT AbOuT AnY OnE eXcEpT HaTiNg PeOplE!!! I LoVe To LiStEn To MuSic AnD Go ShOpPiNg!!! LiKe AnY OtHeR GuRl... and i AM
My life is rated R.
Your Lip Gloss Flavor Is: Strawberry
When it comes to life, you want the best of everything:The best clothes, the best friends, the best guy - and you usually get all three.
You impress most people you meet with your genuine class and style
Strawberry is a classic, admired flavor that goes with many things. Sound familar?
What Flavor Lip Gloss Are You? Take This Quiz :-)
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