Charles profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I've been a deviant, a villian, a criminal, all in the beginning of my life. I've been an aspiring doctor, scientist, and hopeless romantic and for these I was left behind and reviled. I've been a sailor, a shellback (Navy thing), and a man who stared out at the ocean wonder the why, when, who, and how of life. I was a soldier, a hero, fired upon and one who returned fire. I've killed those who sought to end my life (in combat, I'm not that crazy thank you very much) and ridden into battle like a knight of old on a metal steed and returned scarred but alive. I am very protective of my friends and the last person you want as an enemy. My hate keeps me warm at night but it's the joy of life that keeps me going, even when it seems that fate has chosen to place more then I can bare on my shoulders. My words of wisdom are, "Your shoulders are broad enough for anything set upon them, for the story of your life was written long before your birth by whatever God you believe in" and "Nothing is impossible if you have the force of will to make it so!!!!"

My Interests

Music (I like it all), Books (I read them all), Video Games (RP, RTS, FPS, MMO, bunches), Gaming in generally, many other things...

I'd like to meet:

I would love to have a huge list of people I would like to meet but most of them are dead. Any other people I would want to meet, I've already met from Tracy & Lara Hickmann to Owen Wilson. Have to give this one some more thought.


Anything except poka music (Weird Al Poka is fine though). I like to think of myself as worldly but truth be told, I'm indecisive and can't make up my mind which one I like best.


Action, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Historical, once and a while Westerns, Disney Movies, Happy Feet (I'm a kid at heart, that's my excuse damnit)


Sci-Fi Channel, Cartoon Network, History Channel, Heroes is one of my new favorites along with just about anything on Adult Swim....


How's this for sick, 21,361 books so far. Mostly science fiction, fantasy, Dante, 1632 series


Anyone still stuck in Iraq, been there, done that and wish you all were back home with us. Really anyone who puts their life on the line for the rest of us...police...military....anyone.

My Blog

The greatest thing you've ever done

This is a blog about the greatest thing all of you have ever done in your lives. This is not epic or world changing, just the greatest thing you've ever done. I'll throw my newest thing in, I may have...
Posted by Charles on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 04:35:00 PST