Who Dave Shaw?^ How we have changed, even more bang tidy then before
Not TREVOR and this fugly in a dark alley thats fo sure!!!!!! id do time.
Anything if its sung by me n beckie on kens kareoke machine.....wake me up before ya go go! And id never thought i would say this but im liking biffy clyro at the min, ewwww>
Francisco.... thats fun to say
H to the ollyoaks for calvins sake♥Nightwatch for the bang tidy Steve♥Mock the week for the " are u payin too much for ur car insurance"♥Coach Trip for Babs who thinks a trip round eastern europe is like the best hol in the world- sheltered life♥Kevin bishop show for the " there my fuckin crisps"♥Cops for the " watcha gon watcha gon"
The ones with Pictures and the occassional pop up
My Twin and Best friend Beckie!! aka Dark TwinWere both total geeks and we luv iti couldnt ask for a better best mate, always there 4 me when a need her, like when i get a little too drunk and need to come home, she will end her night early to make sure i get home safe!Always have a laugh with this girl =] we find the smallest things hilarious, make up silly quotes and we are the most 2 random ppl i kno! Our daft lingo we make up! our Geez games! fallin off trampolines when drunk, decking it in tutus! posing at every opportunity, were vain n we dnt care! Dancing like freaks, we av the confidence! Random painting at half 4 in a morning, wake me up before ya go go- when we was fellow dj's at the age of 4, running off in our nappys to bottom park n poppin into jimmys for some ice pops lol classic, sky movies game- absolutely hilarious, well to us anyways!! singing random sa na sars and humahumanukanukaapuahha's while shopping with the mothers, infact singing loudly at every opp! measuring every part of our bodies- breathe in ya cunt! our nr death experiences- earthquakes, banana boats and suicidal driving! (when did u get ya F1 license then?)DILFS and GILFS-- we luvs emlv this girl till death!! ♥Colin the catersnake, surrogate nephew and total legend!