Wt t say... i like booze, fags, friends, family, partying, clothes, shoes, fake tan-ted baker, make-up, my dog, bed time, sleep, eyeliner, lipgloss, suntans, dressing up, neon tights, steve scott, movies, cars, vodka, short hair, being tall, money, sunbeds, coca cola, catchphrase (say wot ya see!), dales supermarket sweep! (when ya hear the beep think of the fun ya can be havin on... lmao), junk food! being vain (dont get it twisted tho! just cos i like to take care of misen n look in the mirror dunt mean am one of those fuckers that think they r gods gift!), birthdays, nites out, going out for girly friday brunches, gossip, wine, FNP, anti Gok, uncle alan, money, gunna cinema, diamonds, orchids, fake eyelashes, crisps, sausage sarnies, danny dyer, hogan knows best. Jumping/splashing in puddles, dior perfume, tarn lingo, code nites in, pissed up songs, daft half hours,Dislikes ... haters, bitches, snakes, spiders, anne robinson, sea food, ppl that cant dance, miserable people, greasy hair, sweaty armpits, pee-ing on the toilet seat, smelly people, hoovering, perverts, people that think they are gods gift, jealous partners, women and men that think its impossible to have a friend of the oppostie sex without it being summat sexual, liars, peas, overplayed songs like leaona lewis bleeding love, n effin ruby by kaiser chiefs, n amy winehouse valerie!, bleach, rola cola, health freaks, bills, dangly earrings, women that have no self respect for them selves and will sleep with anything, cereals, banana milkshake, massive prescription tablets (hoss tablets), orange falovoured chocolate, anything thats bananna flavouring, flip flops in the winter!, crocs, cooked carrots, ppl with no manners, nosey folk, pigeons, cold weather, torquay trevor who owns "the yacht" and also his fat ass of a son lol!