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About Me

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I love God. I love surprises but I don't like being in suspense. I love riding rollercoasters. I the smell of new cars, new shoes, and new carpet. I love lemonade and sweet tea. I love my brother, he's one of my best friends! I love the lake but I love the mountains during the fall even more.
I love feeling like I've accomplished something. I love chilicheeseburger plates from the clock. I love school supply shopping. I love Clemson football games. I love the beach but I'm not wild about the sand. I love going shopping for other people, it's one of my biggest weaknesses.I love to draw and paint but I'll never say anything I do is any good.
I love being organized. I love akward moments because they always make me laugh. I love getting butterflies when you brush up beside someone for the first time. I love knowing you're exactly where you're supposed to be. I love making eye contact with people. I love smiling at strangers. I love to dance like I'm white..and mean it! I love to make you smile. I love it when others are happy. If I don't like something I'm not afraid to tell you. I love holding hands. If you play with my hair or tickle my arm I'll fall asleep! I love to listen.
I love to look at the stars! I love to go on walks. I love to pray for people. I love to do little things to make people have a wonderful day! I love to read. I love giving God glory in everything I do. Serving the Lord is my first priority! I love thunderstorms. I love thunderstorms even more when I'm laying with someone I care about. I love doing spontaneous things. I love The Cosby Show. I love listening to music! I love singing to my music but not normally infront of people. I don't mind getting embarrassed. I love getting kissed on the hand and on the forehead. If I let you kiss me it means something. I love to laugh. I love peanut butter..especially peanut butter icecream! I love downtown. I love my family. I love my church. I love backyard football games in the fall. I love spending time with friends and family. Thanksgiving is my favoirte holiday. I love movies that make me laugh and cry. I like scary movies but only if I can squeeze someone's hand.
I love to cuddle. I love to see that you're happy. I love to ride with the windows down. I love to play around and goof off. I love to laugh so hard that I cry. I love being picked up when I'm hugging someone. I love dancing in the rain. I love embracing and enjoying life.

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