right now?.... knitting, not being sick anymore (which is why i am doing this in the first place), finishing school.... never working again. oh and 99cent bowling and darts
someone who would like to give me lessons or key advice, game genie type advice, on how to be the greatest dart thrower/bowler of all time.thank you.also & always, anyone who wants to travel with me:
is real good. invite me to a show anytime, i will go.
anything in the theater because i don't go nearly enough
is now my computer using someone else's internet, which means it's slow and stops a lot
just finished. . . wuthering heights currently reading. . . my pathophys text
almost all of my patients at vandy children's because they say things like "why you all up in my kool-aid when you don't even know the flava?" - zac, 13 (even though zac was never a patient, nor is he still 13)