My lovely husband, enjoying special moments, travelling, travelling reading, reading travelling...
Whoever shall the musical wind bring close!
From Pink Floyd to Mogwai, Scott Walker to Divine Comedy, Marianne Faithfull to Francoise Hardy, Tito Fuentes to Manu Chao,Roger Waters, David Bowie, Eric Clapton, Cream, Arno, la voix de Miossec, Jacques Higelin, Radio Tarifa, Taraf de Haidouks, Rachid Taha, Raining Pleasure, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Gainsbourg, Jane Birkin, P.J Harvey, Nick Cave, Jack the Ripper, Lisa Ekdahl, Placebo, Coldplay, Radiohead, REM, Bob Dylan, Rory Gallagher, Jacques Brel... Papakonstantinou, Thanassis Mikroutsikos, Sideropoulos, Pliatsikas, Alexiou...
Big Tim Burton fan, all Lynch, all Cassavetes, all Antonioni, Fellini, Terry Gilliam!!
Better don't ask what's on greek tv, you really don't want to know!
20th century french literature, georges bataille, philip roth, pasolini,cesare pavese, james joyce, henry miller, ivo andric, lawrence durrell, elfriede jelinek, dostoievsky, orhan pamuk, naghib mahfuz, boulgakov, murakami but also rankin, liebermann, connelly, pratchett, tolkien...and another thousand I forget!
Are there still heroes?