Yo! Adrienne! profile picture

Yo! Adrienne!

Is it time for a nap?

About Me

Just hanging out here in Sea-town letting myself get roped into this crazy online world. I'm a former East Coast gal with midwest sensibilities who can't imagine living anywhere else than the PNW. I like music, good food (ok and some not so good food too), beer, coffee, wine, trying to keep the whine at a minimum. I don't go out too much as I am trying to become financially responsible....but I do like to travel and would someday like to incorporate it into my work. This is important: IF YOU ARE OUT OF STATE AND I DON"T ALREADY KNOW YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW - DO NOT HIT ME UP! I don't have enough time for the people I already care about.

My Interests

Roadtrips, Running, Beer, Playing Frisbee, Having Sex, Having Friends do my Profile, Hanging with my friends & their kids. Running a frickin' half-marathon in MAY! Collecting donations for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society since moms died from Hodgkins in June 2006. My website is www.active.com/donate/tntwaak/yoadrienne

This profile was edited with Thomas' Myspace Editor V3

I'd like to meet:

Anyone Cool! Ok...with a brain, some sense of fun and responsibility, LOCAL to me as I like to actually meet my friends. Oh yeah...leave the drama behind. If you are only talk I don't have time for that. People who have lots of money or really any money really that they will give me for my fundraising....


Video code provided by Music Video Codes


Pink Panther, Monty Python,


CSI, Twin Peaks (when it was on), David Letterman, the occaisional PBS travel show. I don't have cable so it limits what is worth watching.


Zen & The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance, Wherever you go there you are...


My folks because without them there would be no me and they did a pretty good job overall (though I do have a few complaints - but who doesn't). They have also managed to stay together for 40 yrs. through a whole bunch of crap including my adolesence and my adolescent relapses and gobs of their own health issues.