Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom. -Theodore Isaac RubinHAVE THE RIGHT IMAGE ON THE INSIDE. -Joel Osteen
Everyone that I have lost touch with, my brother Steven in another life. The man of my dreams...
It is what it is. There's no way to describe what I like, every song is different and provides something of it's own. It's amazing and I will always appreciate it.
Practical Magic, Chasing Liberty, Pure Country, Juno, A Time To Kill, Under the Tuscan Sun and anything that will make me laugh, cry or grip my seat.
LOST, Without a Trace
I would like to read the new Joel Osteen book
My family and friends they encourage me when I feel defeated. Protect me when I'm in harms way, and love me unconditionally. Thank you, I love you.