Hip-Hop, the Playboy Mansion, money, rims, Cristal (oops I'm not interested in Cristal anymore cause after you drink more frequently than water it just gets old) My black card.
Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls I do adore.
I spit a good rhyme in the shower. 2 Pac, Biggie, Nas, Jay-z, 50 Cent, Alphaville, MC Hammer, Snoop, R Kelly, R Kelly, R Kelly, R Kelly, Tone Loc, Kris Kross, The guy that sang Informer
Swingers. Wedding crashers. Shaft.
Entourage. 24/7. Next. (I was on Next. And I nexted all those girls but went out on dates with all of them after cause I got all their numbers. I just wanted to be friends.)
Where the Wild Things Are, The Giving Tree, Pierre, Stone Soup, oh and "he's just not that into you" because I just do the opposites of everything in that book and girls love me. Ladies I am just that into you.
Every person with a player card who has never hated on those who find success.