TV and more TV- Movies -wine & food - target practice
Sylvester Stallone, Tell him that punch drunk senior citizens really shouldn't box (on-screen or off)- ROCKY 15 is the dumbest thing I've heard in Philly this year.....but i'll watch it& George Bush, I have a few choice, 4-letter words for him, we all know that anything over 2 syllables he'd need an assistant and a dictionary to translate
Some honest trustworthy friends.... Not fair weather friends--- I have plenty of those- If you feel you can give as much as you take, then send me a message
all kinds- although some country music IS depressing. When a man sings of the wiskey bottle being empty, his dog dying and his wife left him for his cousin, it's kinda pathetic.NO hardcore gangsta rap, OLD SKOOL is kewl, but I am bothered that I cannot llisten to the radio in the AM, while taking my son to school, without having to explain to him not to use the language he just heard and it's only a song and that "I wanna run a train on that ho, Yo" may not be the best way introduce yourself to a woman
FAV's of all timeThe OUTSIDERS, Usual Suspects, Layer Cake and Goonies
Heroes - LOST - Desperate Ho's - Gray's Anatomy, real original HUH?
the ones w/ pictures - LOL. I like to read fiction that's close to reality and true stories.
Parents- for letting me make it to 30, if I had a kid just like me- i'd probably be in jailAs I look through these MYSPACE profiles it saddens me to see how many women are DESPERATE,GUY YOU ARE IN LUCK between posting skanky practically naked pics of themselves to BEGGING for some attention. Yeah sure it's great for the guys looking to catch a glance at the next ho but LADIES please what happened to being a "LADY"? As you sit there and say "OMG, I look so fat in this pic" No really you don't think that true, cuz if you did you wouldn't have posted it for all the world to see. If I said "Yes your right you look like a freaking overfed elephant" You'd probably be vomiting after every meal and crying. Get over the need to have others "approve" if your searching for compliments-- go see your grandmother, Im sure she thinks your cute and you dont even have to show her your snatch to get her to tell you so...SORRY BUT YOU MAKE THE REST OF US LOOK BAD