Ok, Jon McKinney is the name. How are you? I am a young(ish) Christian type religious fellow (newly, still) and I live in Stafford, in the West Midlands, the town of kings (kind of). I have recently finished recording an album which you can find out about at www.myspace.com/jonmckinney1983 if you wish. I am also "writing" a book which sounds fancier than it is, but hey, there it is. I am in love with the sweetest and funniest girl you could hope to meet, she's called Katie and she makes me happier than a happy thing, most of the time! I love you darlin'. I love my God, and my friends, and I have low tolerance for absurdity. I am young and inexperienced, and I probably make many mistakes without realising it, and sometimes maybe, I sound like a turkey. Who knows? I believe in a divine and sovereign God, not a useless floaty one, but rather the one true God, the Father of Jesus Christ, who is the true wisdom of God. I love music like almost everybody else. I really like to laugh but I can be deadly seious if need be. What else? I long for the return of Jesus Christ. I love to be surrounded by loving people and sometimes to sit in on my own and read, or something equally quiet. The Jon McKinney hour: Yak, yak, yak...
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Can somebody explain this: When editing my profile, occasionally, I am asked to perform some kind of bizarre test where there are random letters with lines in the way, and I have to type in what the letters are underneath. Seriously, if I were up to mischief on somebody else's profile, would I not be able to crack the code? Is that it? What good does it do, really? Seriously? I just don't seem to understand. Does the hacker stop at that bit and go, "Ah, I must go no further. I've been foiled again." and the myspace people pat themselves on the back celebrating another successful job well done? I don't get it.
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