jon profile picture


We used to be so shiny now we're dead good

About Me

Ok, Jon McKinney is the name. How are you? I am a young(ish) Christian type religious fellow (newly, still) and I live in Stafford, in the West Midlands, the town of kings (kind of). I have recently finished recording an album which you can find out about at if you wish. I am also "writing" a book which sounds fancier than it is, but hey, there it is. I am in love with the sweetest and funniest girl you could hope to meet, she's called Katie and she makes me happier than a happy thing, most of the time! I love you darlin'. I love my God, and my friends, and I have low tolerance for absurdity. I am young and inexperienced, and I probably make many mistakes without realising it, and sometimes maybe, I sound like a turkey. Who knows? I believe in a divine and sovereign God, not a useless floaty one, but rather the one true God, the Father of Jesus Christ, who is the true wisdom of God. I love music like almost everybody else. I really like to laugh but I can be deadly seious if need be. What else? I long for the return of Jesus Christ. I love to be surrounded by loving people and sometimes to sit in on my own and read, or something equally quiet. The Jon McKinney hour: Yak, yak, yak...

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cartoon layout @ HOT
Can somebody explain this: When editing my profile, occasionally, I am asked to perform some kind of bizarre test where there are random letters with lines in the way, and I have to type in what the letters are underneath. Seriously, if I were up to mischief on somebody else's profile, would I not be able to crack the code? Is that it? What good does it do, really? Seriously? I just don't seem to understand. Does the hacker stop at that bit and go, "Ah, I must go no further. I've been foiled again." and the myspace people pat themselves on the back celebrating another successful job well done? I don't get it.
This profile was edited with Editor

My Interests

Music and writing - the Holy Bible - Indian food - Kate and pals

I'd like to meet:



You smell good All the time You put a pleasant odour in this Nose of mine




The Jon McKinney hour: Yak, yak, yak......


Holy Bible -


God - my sister -

My Blog

An example of a blog

This, Laura, is an example of a blog. You write stuff down, then people can choose to read it if they want to, and sometimes, they even leave comments! It is very exciting.
Posted by jon on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 10:24:00 PST