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♥ Keri xx ♥

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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Cool SlideshowsWhat can I say about myself apart from the obvious??.1. I'm a proud TAFF, I live in the South of the country, in a small town with my partner and 2 children :o). 2. I'm a HUGE MMA fan, and think the UFC Welterweight Champion Georges 'RUSH' St. Pierre is simply awesome (hence the RUSHFans! brand I created in his honour.)3. I can't forget the British fighters in this. I'm a HUGE fan of Sami 'THE HUN' Berik. He's a pro fighter from London who's about to have the best year of his career so far. Promoting Sami through my page is something I'm very proud to do, so be sure to check out all there is about him on this page, including the links to his myspace and website :o)4. I'm a complete and utter, but proudly self confessed BRAT!. If I don't get my own way, or if things don't work out as I hope they will, I can and always do sulk and pout until they do go the way I wanted. And that pouting, and temper tantrums aint pretty..lol ;o)Ladies First..a forum for women of the world!! :o)
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My Interests

MySpace IconsI love spending time with my childrenReading (when I get the chance).Writing (again when I get the chance, and I'm not completely blocked)CHECK OUT LADIES FIRST!Running my RUSHFans! sites in honour of GSP :o)Promoting Sami 'THE HUN' Berik.;o)

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22 sec ko (movie version)
RGDA Gracie Way Documentary (teaser).. width="425" height="350" ....1. I would have loved to have met my great grandmother Ma, she was apparently a feisty woman, who never let anyone walk all over her, no matter who they were.2. Ummm here, I would have to say the fighters advertised on this page :o).(Like that's ever going to happen huh?? LMAO ;o) )

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..George St.Pierre at ECC 12/02/06
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Add to My Profile | More VideosThe video above shows Georges St. Pierre training with David 'The Crow' Loiseau. It is all in french, but even if you don't understand it, it's well worth watching.
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I was brought up on the sounds of Mowtown, so it kinda stuck with me.Rap and R&B are my favourite types of music.I also like Linkin Park etc.
Profile Calendar by Crazyprofile.com YES I KNOW IT'S ON HERE TWICE....IT'S GSP BABY!!!!!Big Brovaz are BACK!!!!. This is the video to one of their best songs ever....YOURS FATALLY.
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I love the entire Godfather trilogy GoodfellasDominoBlood In Blood OutBoys In The HoodRomeo Must DieCindrella ManThe CrowAnd then there has to be the comedy..Van WilderThe Bench WarmersKinky BootsAnd the slushy chick flicks..The Notebook Dirty Dancing 1&2Step Up
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Image code by deepbox.com1. UFC broadccasts, Especially when GSP is on the card2. Cage Fighter3. Bones4.American Chopper5.The First 48Apart from these, I love all the old comedy re runs...Roseanne, Cosby Show, Will and Grace, And I miss Desmonds (Britsh classic). Me...I can't stand more than 5 minutes of South Park...although CARTMAN so totally rocks!!! lol :o) MySpace Editor Icons Collage Banner Generator Contact Table Generator MySpace Layouts


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Layout Graphics Comment Image SourceI love to read when I get the chance.Crime family sagas can hold my attention, although I've read all I have more than onceI also like chick lit, like 'The Wedding Date'At the moment though, my reading consists of 'Fighters Only' Magazine..(if you're an MMA fan, check it out..there's a link to the myspace site here on the page :o)I have tried and failed to read LOTR so many times it's not funny.

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My daughter is a hero to me. At 4 years old, she takes her disability (TYPE 2 SMA) in her stride with such strength, and she amazes me every day :o). My son, who's 10. I look at him in amazement that he's actually mine.My late grandfather, my rock. He was always there for me when no one else wanted to be, and I'll always be greatful I was lucky enough to have him in my lifeTHE UNDER DOG!!. Never under estimate the underdog, because they'll come back to bite you in the ass before you know it:o)Mariah Carey ft. Boys II Men One Sweet Day

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My Blog

Everyone's allowed a bad day right ???

Well today I am having one already!!. So, please excuse me if you message me, and I don't reply. It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like talking to anybody...well with the exception of a few peo...
Posted by ♥ Keri xx ♥ on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 02:47:00 PST

Check out this video: George St.Pierre at ECC 12/02/06

Again already on my page. The new UFC Welterweight Champ sharing his happiness with his fans. George St.Pierre at ECC 12/02/06 Add to My Profile | More Videos ...
Posted by ♥ Keri xx ♥ on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 11:44:00 PST

Check out this video: Training reel

I already have this video on my page, but it's very good, and well put together by Berikson Pictures...I thought I'd share it here too Remember to keep it www.samiberik.com for all your HUN related n...
Posted by ♥ Keri xx ♥ on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 11:42:00 PST


" The Hun may not be the greatest fighter out there, but is tough, capable and won't lie down for anyone." HYWEL TEAGUE. 'CAGED GLADIATORS' WRITE UP. 'FIGHTERS ONLY MAGAZINE' ISSUE 22. Well, I hap...
Posted by ♥ Keri xx ♥ on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 03:28:00 PST

Sami's Classes are Taking Off.

..> ..>   The following is from a BULLETIN posted by Berikson Pictures. Be sure to check out www.samiberik.com for further details and updates on THE HUN. _____________________________________...
Posted by ♥ Keri xx ♥ on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 04:11:00 PST

Oh it's on now.......

The CHAMP is back !!!!!!!. YAYYYY!!!!! A title defense, hearing GSP introduced as the UFC Welterweight Champion is going to be a beautiful moment!!! Kasey, you want a lodger ????...
Posted by ♥ Keri xx ♥ on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 06:17:00 PST

Working on a website.

I am so excited right now. I'm starting work on a website dedicated to Georges 'RUSH' St. Pierre. That all around great guy , who has the upmost respect for everything MMA related, especially his fans...
Posted by ♥ Keri xx ♥ on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 03:43:00 PST

Life is....

One list of questions.... Why can't we accomplish all we want out of life at once ?? Why do we have to say goodbye to the ones we want to stick around ?? Why do the ones we don't want around insist on...
Posted by ♥ Keri xx ♥ on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 04:11:00 PST

GSP Instructional DVD's. ( As liberated from BRYAN).

These DVD's are advertised for a guy in my top friends. Bryan. If you are interested in obtaining copies, PLEASE check out his website. ____________________________________________________________ ____...
Posted by ♥ Keri xx ♥ on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 02:24:00 PST

GSP !!!

  Well, what is there to tell the world about the UFC Welterweight Champion that isn't already known by legions of fans world wide ???. Nothing right ? . So instead, here is a list of links wher...
Posted by ♥ Keri xx ♥ on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 02:18:00 PST