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I DID THIS FOR MY DAUGHTER KAYSHA JANAE AND ALL THE CHILDREN WHO ARE SURVIVORS AND VICTOMS OF CHILD ABUSE! KAYSHA JANAES daddy killed her! she was 4mos and 6 days old!she was such a good baby girl! and on that mornrng that my life was changed forever was the worst day of my life!!i can remember it just like it was yesterday!! we just went through the trial and johnnie lee fields (daddy) was found guilty of abuse on a child with injuries that resulted in death and here in california that carries a sentence of 25 years to life!and he was also found guilty of 2nd degree murder and that only carries a 15 year to life sentence! and on the day of his sentencing johnnie lee fields BEGGED the Judge for a new trial! him and his Lawyer fought back and fourth with the Judge for a long time! he tried to fire his Lawyer just before he was sentenced and wanted the courts to provide him with a free lawyer! Thank god we had the same judge since the day all of this nightmare began! because he told johnnie there is no way and nothing in this report that makes me feel that you had an unfair trial!he also sed he has heard all of the reports and heard all of the evadince and he has had 3 or 4 free lawyers through the courts and he has fired them all! because he didn't like what they were saying to him about his outcome! so finally he was sentenced !he has been pointing his finger at everybody! but himself!! he even tried to say my son who was 2 at the time did it! so we will be planing a Memorial service for my baby girl Kaysha janae! now that she has been set free! justice was given to my baby girl!! and i thank god every day!!

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Posted by MOMMYS LIL BABY GIRL! FOREVER IN MY HEART♥ on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 11:14:00 PST