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Coyote Creek

Coyote Creek

About Me

Kelli McIntosh
Lead Vocals

Kelli McIntosh has been singing ever since she can remember, and when the call came to join Coyote Creek as the lead-vocalist, it was only logical to seize the opportunity. Kelli grew up in the small town of Troutdale, Oregon, and after graduating college at Arizona State University, she is now ready to hit the road and fulfill her dreams of continuing her singing career. Coming from a background filled with many different choirs and theatrical productions, Kelli’s warm vocals will keep the crowd howling for more, and is a powerful addition to Coyote Creek.

Rik Bartel
Bass, Vocals

Named after the music legend, Ricky Nelson, Rik is, by far, the most fashion-forward and ruggedly handsome male member of Coyote Creek. His "Tall, Dark and Handsome", brooding good looks and enigmatic stage presence give the female contingent of the audience something to pay attention to, and makes the rest of the guys in the band secretly hate him. Raised from the cradle in a musical family, Rik's solid, emotive bass playing and incredible, soaring vocals are a huge asset to the Coyote Creek pack. We all depend on Rik to supply "that note" and other high harmonies, all the while playing complicated lines on bass.
Click here for Rik's MySpace

Robert Lee
Keyboards, Vocals

Robert is the "Coolest" member of Coyote Creek, and can often be seen wearing sunglasses indoors at night, just to prove it. He's also the Official Business Manager of the group because he's so darn good at it, and because no one else wanted the job. His twenty years of keyboard work on-stage, in the studio and on the road with Rock, Country, Blues and Pop acts gives him all the tools he needs to play just what the tune needs, when it needs it, as well as providing spot-on back-up vocals with the utmost cool.
Click here for Robert's MySpace

John Anderson
Lead Guitar

Everyone always complains that John doesn't "smile enough" on stage. It's not his fault, he's one of the happiest, sometimes, "goofy" people we know. Providing musical color and blazing lead lines for the band requires knowledge, experience and chops. John brings 'em all. He's also an admitted "Equipment Junkie", owns more guitars than fingers on both hands, and runs a pedal and effects array that requires the same level of skill and concentration as manually landing the space shuttle. Every style and sound is at his fingertips and delivered with style. John is a stay-at-home dad with two beautiful young daughters .
Click here for John's MySpace

Click here for Russ's MySpace

Tommy Pierson
Guitar, Vocals

Tommy Pierson was born in Long Beach Washington, October 5th 1964. Sometime around 1970, he was turned on to the guitar by the good grace of his Uncle Skeeter. Skeet had a Fender Jaguar and a Fender Deluxe Reverb amp that Tommy was allowed to play, pretty much whenever he wanted. From the summer in 1970 forward, nothing but guitar seemed to matter. Soon he was playing in bands and at 13, began working in clubs, and playing live since. He’s played in such acts as "CRYSYS" a Portland Oregon 80’s original rock band with a large West coast following,"Slick Mister", and most recently, Salem, Oregon's "Phamous Phaces". With them, he had the opportunity to play two tours to England, with stops at the famous Cavern Club in Liverpool. Tom states " I am soooo looking forward to throwin' down some rowdy geetar for all at Coyote Creek shows. See you on the road in 2008.
Click here for Tommy's MySpacefound this retro layout at HOT /

My Interests


Member Since: 11/5/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:
Influences:EXTRA SPECIAL INFORMATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds Like: Great Northwest Country Music
Record Label: Independent
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Happy Sunday

Hey everyone,  just wanted to wish everyone in the Northwest a happy Sunday and to keep warm in the weather (snow?  In April?) Keep an eye on the calendar, we will be announcing some killer ...
Posted by Coyote Creek on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 10:17:00 PST


Well here we are in a New Year and already, the first month is almost gone.  We've been very busy since the Pendleton Round Up back in September.  Many of you know that Lindsey and Dan ...
Posted by Coyote Creek on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 10:12:00 PST


..> Hey everyone.......we were very busy yesterday filming the live portion of the video for the single :Wild Horses". A big thank you goes out to Rayven Davis and the Clackamas County Fair for so...
Posted by Coyote Creek on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 09:37:00 PST

Kelli McIntosh

Well, we said we would do it and now we are.  We would like to take a moment to introduce the newest member of Coyote Creek - Miss Kelli McIntosh!!!!!!!!!!!  Kelli brings a whole new look a...
Posted by Coyote Creek on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 09:19:00 PST