I'm living in my great new flat in West Swindon with Church, who is completely and utterly amazing. He's the best and I wouldn't be without him. We're all domesticated and grown up in our own little world, and I love it all.
I have a cool new job as a 'Creaive Designer' for BCA, and it's awesome... so far.
I'm welshface! This is the 3D me.
Make your own,
and we both get Coinz!
Films are REALLY important to me... I don't understand people who don't watch films... what's that about? I couldn't live without films. I get ever so slightly inebriated on fridays (whenever the Bank Manager says I can) in Brunel, but that's cos I'm only little... That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it! I like to be lazy, but hardly get the time. Oh, and I'm really clumsy.
I like...... Church ^_^ (he's the best!), chinese food, sleeping a lot, Wonder Woman, laughing so much it hurts, cold pillows and warm beds, rugby (it's a built in part of being Welsh I'm afraid), white wine, beer, corkys, daisies, having my photo taken (when drunk), pasta, nice smiles (I'm a complete sucker for a nice smile... especially if there's dimples!), nice eyes, PRESENTS!!!, fridays, honesty (say what you REALLY think!!), walnut whips (without the walnut) and 80s cartoons like Thundercats, The Turtles, and of course Trapdoor.
I don't like...... people who fancy themselves more than anyone else ever could, liars, cheaters, my alarm in the morning, mondays, pineapple, red wine, clowns, dolls and puppets, having my photo taken (when sober), gold, anything with more than 4 legs (especially spiders and dive-bombing moths), girls that scream when they see each other (aka 'screamie girls') and having no money... ever.