People who are positive, ambitious outgoing, grounded in a faith that has God at the center, who champion the success of their peers, friends, family and more. Who realize that life may deal you a bad hand but are willing to push on. People who are not victims of their circumstances, and who's main goals involve being the best individual they can be. Compassion is a must, for humans and animals, and for those who don't know any better, or who don't know as much. Passion is a must, not in a romp in the hay sort of way, but intense love of a cause or something they are proud of. Mult-cultural is a must. I am interested in those with whom quality time may be spent mentoring each other on life. Sharing stories, experiences, plans, life lessons learned, hopes, wishes, dreams. I would love to have my mind be captivated by the things this person has to say, and that they hold back very little of who they are, just enough mystery to beg the questions what, when, why, and how? This person could look at me and know that I am happy or sad. They are the voice of reason as I work through issues, and my cheering section if I need it. This person would complete my sentence. This man would be strong physically and mentally, he would embody all that it means to be a man minus the gorrilla beating on the chest, and he is not afraid to cry. This person would get me, and would not ask me to change, but accept me as I am, and realize that I make a great partner, and excellent lover, and an even better friend. He would be a gentleman in all the ways that count, and he understand that I am a mother first. He would want to show me his true self and through that I would see a reflection of myself in him, as we would want to walk together in this minefield called life.
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George on GMA part 1