i collect retrogames and retroconsoles,also i'm a huge arcade game lover,music of course,skating (some times!),moshing,everything is crazy,ABSCIND VEINS (R.I.P),my new band DESERVING TO BLEED.
Norma Jean,Neaera,Converge,Into the Moat,Parkway Drive,Haste The Day,Maroon,All Shall Perish,Until The End,Bridge To Solace,On Broken Wings,Winter Solstice,Remembering Never,Botch,The Bled,Time In Malta,The Red Chord,Himsa,The Chariot,Drowing Man,Destiny,Curl Up And Die,Uphill Battle,Burning Skies,100Demons,Casey Jones,The Black Dhalia Murder,A Life Once Lost,and soo mutch more... (too Long :D )
Patatine woody,Le tele dei gatti,I fagiani bollenti,le chele al sugo,petti di lupo,tette di scimmia,crespelle ai peperoni,melanzane cotte al sale,denti di vipera malvagia e fritto di cane al manzo (sono fuso)