Art , movies, I like to take walks on the beach and look for sea glass, and whatever else I can find that is unique. I draw and paint in spare time, I make gift baskets for weddings, stags, birthdays etc..Connecting Freckles with a marker :)
VERY HONEST PEOPLE! ARE THERE ANY OUT THERE ANYMORE! HEY ARE THEIR?? LET ME KNOW! I am looking for my soul mate & my best friend. I am looking for that man that lets me be ME! and doesn't try to mold me or change me into someone I just can not be. That he accepts me for the woman I am. Would also Like to meet people from all over the world. Since I like Defrosting Cold people drop by and say HI! Maybe we could break some ICE! LOL
Like pretty much all kinds of music. Word's and Music says alot about the way we live life, our emotions, our likes,our dislikes,how we love, hate. You name it, it says it. Like 60's and up, Doors, Blues, jazz, Robert Plant, Rush, Some of today's music, Nickelback, Green Day, Hinder,just a few to mention. OK ,OK Will Not Lie " I just can not handle RAP." Sorry! :( Is that really MUSIC??
I Really like "Horror movies" Also like Tear Jerker's, My Favorites are: Return to Me, Pretty in Pink,Never Been Kissed, Pretty Woman, The NoteBook, ALL TIME FAVORITE IS: "A Walk to Remember"
CSI's like all of them, House, I wish doctors were really like that in real life!, Prison Break, Ghost Whisperer, Lost, Lifetime movies, Two and a Half Men, Invasion, Hell I miss that one! Discovery Channel.
Stephen King books are pretty much all I read, OH GOD Can't forget the cook books,have to get ahold of Betty Crocker and tell her to stop sending me so many!
All the people who lost there lives during 9-11, and all those who were there to help, The construction men, and just ordinary people who were there day after day helping, Hey even the dogs! Our troops over in Iraq! I don't really have a hero I guess everyone in their own way is a hero in some way, shape and form.