camping, fishing, hiking, live music, football, cooking, hangin' with friends, play station, spending time with my family, poker, ancient human history...
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Grateful Dead, Willie Nelson, NWA, Rod Stewart, Eric Clapton, Louis Armstrong, Led Zeppelin, Wicked Tinkers, Depeche Mode, Johhny Cash, Golden Bough, Eric B and Rakim , Metallica, Beastie Boys, Rush, Bob Dylan...
Star Trek (all), Star Wars, Gladiator, Braveheart, Saving Private Ryan, Stripes (it's a classic), The Big Lebowski, Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?, Lord Of The Rings, Dogma...
Star Trek (all), LOST, Survivor, Simpsons, Attack of the Show, anything on the History Channel, My Name Is Earl, Scrubs...
I enjoy reading books on ancient history; warfare, civilizations, architecture, empires. I like every book that Tom Robbins has written (Jitterbug Perfume and Skinny Legs and All tie for first and Another Roadside Attraction is my least fave).
my grandfathers.... others who inspire me include; Lewis and Clark, Carl Sagan, Benjamin Franklin, of course my family...