Bringing Change to society for the better of Humanity, Helping Entertainers distribute content and free them of their expression, Building capital to become financially free, Investment Oppurtunities, Network Marketing to meet with like minded individuals, VIP/JDM/Exotic car(s) which is just materialistic possessions, women whom give the greatest asset of it all which is LOVE but also the greatest distraction of it all which is LUST, marijuana which has helped me expand my mind but I have taken a break and ultimately, financial freedom and time freedom to bring forth a significant change for us all.
"We are truly the lost generation, huffing and puffing down the fast track to nowhere, always looking to the dollar sign for direction. That's the only standard we recognize. We have no built-in beliefs, no ethical boundaries."You're only as good as your private standards. When was the last time you gave a task your absolute best even though nobody but you would know about it? I want to meet those who have character, charisma, commitment, communication, competence, and courage. I want to get in touch with all the people I have lost contact with. Fuck what we know, if we didn't know each other, we wouldn't be shit. Tt's not about what we know, It's all about who we know.
EVERYTHING, i have become open minded to all types of music. Especially music with meaningful messages like John Lennon, Tupac, Immortal Technique, and on and on. Trance has always been great since there is no lyrics and is not binded by any censorship but for true music lovers. Music is a outlet, if we let the corporate America take over and have no more artists expressing the things they want to say, we would be doomed! So this is why we need to step it up, what good are we if we the fans don't step it up and do something about it!
Lord of the Rings The Matrix Star Wars Loose Change Lord Of War Boiler Room Untouchables Click The Departed and just to many more which I will never have the end to list! Movie industry is getting worst and worst if we don't stop the piracy which is making all the directors and producers think about not putting time and effort and energy into creating what we the fans the people truly want to watch because it will not profit! Simply put, let's change our paradigm of saving a dollar or two to making a dollar or two helping the industry grow! If they didn't have to worry about the losing money aspect, think of how great films can become! It's a wonderful time for indie films to rise!
"Watching TV is like taking a black spray paint to your third eye" - Jedi Mind Tricks TV is the brainwashing garbage that conditions us all and be distracted and not doing anything productive. It use to be better. But there are a few shows I actually enjoy but do not have time for.
Robert Kiyosaki John C. Maxwell Malcolm Gladwell Jack Cansfield David Iche Freakonmics What the Bleep do we know? Behold a Pale Horse 2012 and I cannot even begin to list the # of written literature that has filled my mind with the knowledge that has made me who I am today...
Jim Rohn Robert Kiyosaki Zig Ziggler Tony Robbins Ken Adachi Dr. Martin Luther King Malcom X Tupac Shakur Alex Jones Dylan Avery Dhalai Lama Fred Gunn Immortal Technique and thousands more which I will put up later. And last but not least, myself. And I am very grateful to have my loving Father and Mother.